Post ITT if you have the flu

My wife actually does this and no amount of explanation will make her stop. Extremely tilting.

Cold has not worsened. Was dehydrated this morning due to salt and msg in Chinese food, but recovered.

I know you were all waiting with baited breath.

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Despite being in contact with students regularly, I opted against the flu vaccine. Got it last year for the first time in forever and worked through a good chunk of it. Used a shit ton of Theraflu though.

still no flu, but my bronchitis is lingering and I’ve had laryngitis now for several days. I’m sure my husband loves that I can’t talk, but I actually kind of need my voice back, dammit. I sound like a dying frog …if any sound comes out at all.

I believe Kemba Walker is missing his 3rd straight game due to this flu. Nasty stuff.

Sounds like what my wife has. We all got flu shots and no one has been particularly sick but her and our daughter have been trading colds while I’ve been fit as a fiddle. People should get their flu shots every year if possible but idk how much effort it takes as I’ve gotten them through work/school for the past 9.

Definitely getting a flu shot next flu season.

Normally, I barely get colds but I’ve had several of them and the flu. Currently dealing with what feels like a cold but based on the brownish-yellow phlegm, may be an infection of some kind.

Almost zero effort. They give them at pharmacies, I get mine at Walgreens. Insurance pays for mine but I think it’s like $30 without insurance.

Ah fuck the world, definitely not as bad as last year but I just got out of bed for the first time in 18 hours. Came on abruptly.

It was as bad as last year. Flu vaccine is a goddam fraud.

fuck, my voice is still fucked up. I wonder if it’s been long enough that I should see a doctor for a steroid shot.

I’m working on a campaign, I need to be able to fucking talk like a normal person.

Autotune yourself!

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