Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Announcing on CNN that there is more attempted vehicular homicide in LA. A red charger drove through the crowd

Curfews? WTF where are the MAGA morons to complain about communism?


There was some pretty constant brawling going on on the ABC stream for a while but it seems that at least for now it’s let up a bit. At least where they are able to film for the feed anyway.



Does anybody know why they’re trying to storm Television City in LA, or why there are so many cop cars there?


I believe cops used a parking lot at CBS Television City as a staging area.

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Careful all they have the bridge surrounded





Bet you won’t tag 15 friends in the next 20 minutes with this

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Cool so the cops are gonna massacre a bunch of protestors protecting Trump tower in fucking CHICAGO.

I would think the mayor would order them to chill out.

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I tried to turn on CNN to go along with my ABC livestream and its legit a commercial every 30 seconds it feels like. Fucking insane.

Also my moms is loving the protests and is on team burn it down.

Do the chicago protestors look wild enough to burn it down ?

The rally preceding the march/unrest was at Pan Pacific Park, just down the street. The disturbances are all in that immediate area and appear to be heading West.

ABC seems to have lost or terminated the LA stream?

Kind of wish there was a way to bring down the Trump tower down WTC-style without harming the protesters.

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The last footage looked like they were stowing the camera, so maybe refueling?

There are thousands marching in Dallas.

Sadly looks like they’re being pushed back. Hopefully they’ll come back tonight