Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Police request for back up N of TT, now surrounded on 3 sides. Protester explosive devices there.

Chicago stream?


Just because loliggles

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I’m reading scanner tweets, CNN live there now.

Same ABC link I gave above. Click the Chicago feed at the bottom of the page.

When I rode my bike past the Capitol 5 hours ago I didn’t notice much going on. Just came back from there. Most people are just standing there, some chanting. A handful are throwing water bottles at the cops lined up on the steps. Occasionally the cops point out someone in the crowd. Potential for some ugly shit. There was a helicopter overhead. Fresh sounds of sirens as I type.

Ohio National Guard is trending, that can’t be a good sign.

Can also watch Chicago craziness on CNN right now.

Another cop on the ground getting the shit beat out of him in Chicago.

Outside of the city by Delaware. Wealthy and basically in the wilderness, but they’re also old and are voting for Biden.

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That stream is bonkers.

Fucking hell, if you’re not watching Chicago right now you need to do so immediately.

Vans confirmed hard to tip over.


I know we have some fans of “metaphorical” guillotines here, but some still fall through the cracks.


(This is a real tweet from a real descendant fwiw)


Goto #Chicago twitter for better views…


What link ?

The abc live u posted is just some white asshole talking about peace.

i clicked chicago box below just in time to see some cop getting stomped on.

sorry but i suck at searching the thread. There was a twitter link to an interview with a black teenager giving an emotional speech. can someone link me to it? sorry, thanks.

