Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Fuck off



Wealth tax!

Not M4A tho


i wish protestors would burn down facebook’s office.


If you want to, sure. But if you’re going to encourage others to join you, you have a moral responsibility to make sure they understand they have a very non-trivial chance of ending up dead.

Further escalation is going to result in the police and/or military murdering the shit out of a whole bunch of protesters. I’m not saying that to try and discourage anybody or speak against that escalation. I just want participants to be fully aware of the very real risks they are facing.


Give Bernie’s Medicare (Basically Medicare+) to all household members, including undocumented, making less than 100k in AGI.

Means test that shit, and let the Karens keep their private insurance idgaf.


Anachro just trolling this thread for days on end now

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Benefit for small businesses: they no longer need to spring for healthcare. More than offsets tax increases.

Your goddam genetically scummy brother had his own thread. Fuck off bro.

Thoughts and prayers.

It also goes beyond cops, the guard and MPs being called in… There were several incidents of attempted vehicular homicide last night across numerous cities. There have been numerous white guys from far right militia showing up armed to the gills.

Normally there may be a belief you can keep yourself in a safe area, avoid police lines, etc… There are no safe spaces in these protests right now. Too many different people could come at you.

Maybe we can get you your own thread too, just not this one


Opps I hit keep post instead of hide… Thanks to the Mod that hid it.

Btw @anachronistic is now silenced until 6am tomorrow by me.


And seemingly some armed white militia guys on the F the Police side.

lol wtf why were the acting so god damned sketchy then. He’s gonna have a hard time going undercover and getting a good scoop acting like that lol.

Even the guys in the truck lied, said they weren’t from CNN. Whats the point of that? Maybe their afraid after what happened at their building?

They could definitely be afraid, and if the guys in the truck are security they aren’t technically CNN employees most likely - they’d be contracted.

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Yeah but is that the BLM side? Or do we have three groups who all hate each other?