Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

glgl pocketchads.


Holy shit, I stop following this thread for like 30 minutes to do some meal prep for the weekend and we’ve got a fucking shootout on @PocketChads’ street. You alright man? Lay low, get in the tub or something.

Get some belongings together, the most important stuff, essentials for survival for 24-48 hours, get it in one bag, be ready, and stay in cover while you do it.


The mayor of Minneapolis about to take another swing and miss at this, I think.

Starts right in on ripping the rioters for rioting. MOTHERFUCKER THEY NEED TO KNOW THEY ARE HEARD!!! TELL THEM YOU HEARD THEM!!!

This is not fucking rocket science.


Like let me give you bullet points for what this speech should be:

  • The murder was unacceptable, I’m thankful they filed charges, I’m going to call on them to charge him with Murder 2. I’m calling on them to charge the other cops with murder, as well.

  • I know this goes beyond this one case, there is a need for systemic change… in Minneapolis, in Minnesota, and in America. I’m hereby calling on our city council to pass local reform to bring accountability to our police department, I’m hereby calling on our members of the state legislature to pass statewide reform, and I’m hereby calling on our members of Congress to champion national reform.

  • As Dr. Martin Luther King said, rioting is the language of the unheard… and I want you to know, I hear you. Your city hears you, your state hears you, your country hears you… but this needs to end. I want to sit down with you tomorrow and hold a town hall. I will stay all day and hear from all who wish to speak to me. But we cannot let our city burn for a third night in a row.

I wrote that in 2 minutes. Dude had 24 hours and couldn’t do it?


i’m offline for three and one half days and holy shit


no srsly i found out like a half hour ago the powder keg exploded

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You’ve got A LOT to catch up on

welcome to the revolution, or whatever this is.

In other news, turns out there’s a protest in La Mesa tomorrow. I’m immunocompromised, but I also really want to go because I also understand the optics of someone who looks like a Karen to be seen at these. La Mesa had an incident a few days ago with a white cop roughing up a black man for no apparent reason, so that’s why it’s there.

I have until 1 pm to decide. Already had one nurse friend urge me to stay home because there’s no way there will be social distancing, etc.

Kinda tangential but the only two times I called the police on somebody were violent wilding out of control roommates and I basically said, “If you alls don’t come out and handle it I’m gonna kill this motherfucker, so come now or come later, dealer’s choice.”

twitter already melted my brain

Who cares what the Mayor says? Ni dieu ni maître!

Stay home. I mean, I have an immune system strong like bull and I’m getting cold feet about going out to the protests.


I’ve been on the fence myself, two comorbidities but I’m also only 34 and I have an RZ Mask I could wear. I also have a P100, but I don’t think I could tolerate it all day - and it might also look too much like a gas mask and get me targeted.

I’ve been back and forth, don’t beat yourself up for whatever you decide. There’s no shame in being safe for later and using your talents in other ways. But as a white guy I really want to be out there to show solidarity, so I understand where you’re coming from in that regard too.


it’s called pop


It’s this. Getting killed is mathematically very improbable but having your day, or week, or month, or year… or life ruined is very probable.

@oneeyedtripping @LikeClockwork @iron81 et al will remember this but non-Chicagoans might not even be aware:

Nobody died though!


More car violence, this time from Bakersfield


Assuming they’re all operating in their own political self-interest, it’s possible that they’re just misjudging the ground changing beneath their feet. This feels different, young folks are fed up, Millennials are getting old enough that this could be the election where we finally kick some ass.

I think I said it last night, too, but this feels like a form of civil war.

a longer version showing both the before and aftermath, and the moment where the car makes a second run at attempted murder


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This is certainly nothing like I remember before. Maybe Ferguson was like this, but if so it doesnt seem like it was covered like this or so widespread.

It seems like the video was a “last straw” type moment. He kneeled on the neck of a black man who wasn’t resisting for 7 MINUTES while knowing he was on camera the entire time. It was a blatant and direct show of the police saying “We are better and more important than you, prove us wrong.”