Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

With a pandemic and the economy in crisis the Democrats should cruise to a general election win. Passing a bill that is DOA in the senate isn’t much different from words and platitudes but it gives Trump a shot at a hail mary.
If they actually do it the Trump campaign gets a cornucopia of soundbites from Democrats and news anchors saying the Dems actually do want to defund/abolish the police. The ads practically write themselves.
All he needs to do is rile up his base to get to the polls despite everything and depress Democratic turnout just a little bit.


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Im not near as confident in a trump loss as most and im seeing the right to protest vanish before my eyes so lets hope you are right.

Dems aint cutting funding anyway like they did not and will not for kids in cages. Both are the moral thing to do though.

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Right, at the very least just pass a privileged resolution that bans them from arresting/detaining/laying hands on anyone who is not on federal property, while also designating the KKK and other neo-Nazis as domestic terror organizations and beefing up the FBI funding to fight against those organizations.

Say, “Trump says they’re there to protect federal property. Fine, they don’t need to operate off of federal property to do that. If they wish for someone to be arrested for a crime against federal property, they can refer it to the local police with video evidence, and the local police can decide how to proceed. This is a reasonable way to operate in order to protect our freedoms while preventing crime. Meanwhile, with a resurgence in hate crimes from white supremacists, we want to make sure we’re giving the FBI all the tools necessary to reign that in.”

Preferably, you’d cut funding for this force, but I know that might be a political mistake in an election year. I think I’d have to do it anyway, though. It’s too important.

Is it, though? If it’s a privileged resolution it has to come up for a vote. You need four Republicans. Your usual suspects may vote yay: Romney, Murkowski, Collins… In an election year in which their seats are up, I guarantee you that McSally, Gardner, Perdue, Loeffler, Ernst, Collins (listed twice), Daines, Tillis, Graham and Cornyn aren’t excited to vote either way on this. I’m also curious what Rand Paul and Ben Sasse would have to say about this.

You do it for that reason, if no other. At the very least Collins, Gardner, McSally, Ernst, Daines, and Tillis are winnable seats in moderate enough states to where this vote is a nightmare. Doug Jones is kind of pissed, on the other side, but you get to put six of them in the cage and one of your own. That’s a huge political win, and for doing the right thing, no less!

The others are in far closer races than they are used to, and this makes them either vote against daddy or vote for the secret police and the KKK.

This is why you limit their actions and not their funding if you’re being strictly politically strategic.

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Yeah i dont know all the ins and outs of how you could limit them but id like to see some actions along with the words.

How the fuck are they operating so far off federal property anyways in a state that doesn’t want them there? Is that legal?

I was going to suggest try to find a group of cops that aren’t nazi’s and have them arrest the feds when they go after protestors off federal property but then lol’d at myself at finding such cops.

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Right, exactly. I’m not sure the cops would follow the orders of the mayor/governor. You’d need the governor to call in the national guard, and you’re at that point right on the precipice of starting a civil war. You’d need to call them in before the feds arrived to make Trump/DHS order aggressive action rather than the other way around.

As for operating so far off federal property, who’s going to stop them? The ACLU? And what army?

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There were a lot more Portland moms out tonight. I hope the fed thugs don’t start beating on them.





Of course it’s legal. We’ve been passing laws to enable it forever and especially for the last 19 years. The cops I’ve seen have been border patrol. The border patrol can operate within 100 miles of the border. The ocean counts. Portland is about 60 miles from the ocean. Also, some of these people are using the excuse that they’re protecting federal property - a courthouse.

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They mayor can’t order the federal cops to leave, but he could do all kinds of things to make it difficult for them to operate, like close the streets they need to move around. Portland doesn’t have a huge police force (1000), but I expect they greatly outnumber the federal cops in town. He’s not going to though. He doesn’t want to and there’s cooperation between Portland police and the feds despite the mayor saying they should leave. The governor is the same story. These people don’t love protesters just because they’re Democrats any more than the Democrats loved the Occupy protesters.


If you wanna be mad at Nancy Pelosi, here’s another thing…a bunch of that $4.5B emergency border money that went to the border patrol was used to buy shit like dirt bikes. I wonder how much of it is being used here? And a bunch of you (and I mean this with as much tender love as possible) motherfuckers defended that.


That’s cool, but on the street there are still a bunch of Portland cops doing cop things, like tell the Feds who to kidnap.

They were dealt a shit hand in that situation. Like the right thing to do was to allocate money only for currently detained people to be treated humanely, with all sorts of oversight, which they would then have to actually use and enforce.

Obviously they don’t play that game, so they just gave them the money and looked away.

Protesting leads to change. It’s not for nothing.

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Don’t the protests have a really high approval rating among democrats? Why the fuck haven’t dem states/cities done more? Seems like a huge political win.

I like I know police unions are powerful, but they got politicians shook as fuck don’t they? Are they afraid for their physical safety? Is it the threat that the police will just stop answering calls etc?

I mean this sounds crazy, but if Biden wins and the protests keep up and maybe even grow after something super fucked up happens again maybe we can put enough political pressure on him to pressure governors? He won’t have the same concerns about local police fucking him over.

Like I know Joe Biden fucking sucks and is everything wrong with politics, but if the political pressure is there he won’t try to scoop up the easy win?

I checked a poll and 86% of fucking democrats support the protests. 64% OVERALL.

I thought the protesting never stopped? Just that the LOL media stopped covering it.

Sorry if my post was confusing but I wasn’t implying the had. Just if they keep it up after the election. Like I hope a bunch of people aren’t like oh Trump is gone we win lets go home, and in fact push harder.

I mean obviously they haven’t were still posting protest footage ITT.

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Oh yea if Biden wins, it will probably happen. Especially as it starts getting colder again.

Well maybe, tons of people will still be out of work and its only a matter of time before cops do some more heinous shit.