Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Eh, I’m pretty happy with that and to see Nancy Pelosi call it kidnapping.


What good is that doing us?

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I would expect worse, like something that makes it easier for her to roll over. I don’t expect her to be much help other than not totally caving in. And she has no control over law enforcement here, so what do you expect her to do?

The governor or the mayor could maybe do something, but they don’t seem inclined to. The courts could (and may eventually) do something. Regular people could do something, but it would be pretty dangerous. Oh, and regular police could do something - haha - or any of these people sworn to uphold the constitution - haha.

Nancy could arrest a number of Trump officials right now for defying Congressional subpoenas. Lock up Hope Hicks and let’s see if Trump’s Gestapo doesn’t back off.


She commands like 2 bailiffs and they command the most powerful military and law enforcement groups in world history.

Ok, she should arrest Hope Hicks or w/e, but they will love that.

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The sheer audacity


Here’s what Pelosi did that fucked us:

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US Capitol Police reports to Congress.

And yeah, Trump controls the military? Fine, make him use the army to stop the cops. Nancy should do something other than make spicy Tweets and sit on her hands.

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I really really really doubt Pelosi can command the US Capital Police. Really. Really.

But, even so, are they going to go to Portland?

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but that sounds like the description of soldiers.


Wait a second, they’re in DHS, she does have some control. I’d pass a bill as a privileged resolution banning DHS from leaving federal property in this role, I’d ban them from arresting or detaining anyone under this farcical force, and I’d cut their funding by 20% for fucking around. Then I’d tell them to fuck around and find out how much farther I’ll cut it.

Then I’d have the House pass it and go on every news network to discuss it. Since it’s a privileged resolution, Mitch can’t hide from it. I think it would have a chance to pass.

Sure, Trump vetoes, but it would be a big deal. It would draw attention. It would also hurt the GOP electorally by putting their most moderate senators in the cage.

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I don’t know that she could do that in the few days since the feds have started kidnapping people and Mitch would not allow it to be voted on and all the Republicans and half the Democrats love cracking skulls of hippies. This is a loser for the Democratic Party. It’s brave of her to suggest that cops kidnap people.



Heroes. Hope they have a safe night.

  1. She could declare her intents.
  2. A privileged resolution has to be voted on.
  3. If 75% of this country loves secret police kidnapping people off the streets and cracking skulls, then we’re irredeemable and fucked.
  4. If this is brave of her, we’re irredeemable and fucked.

It’s not just us. People are chicken shit and value order over freedom. It’s not human nature, but it’s what living in a modern society/nation state does to people.

The Speaker of the House has accused American Law Enforcement of kidnapping people. That’s remarkable.


What would be the point of that? Just issue a few no-knock warrants on Trump toadies who are evading Congressional subpoena. I mean, of course this will never happen, but Pelosi & Co. could actually do this if they gave a fuck. Pelosi could actually get out her handcuffs if she was an actual leader and not a basic cliquey socialite.

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What does serving a warrant on people like Hope Hicks have to do with stormtroopers in Portland? You think Trump is going to call off the stormtroopers to protect these people? You think Nancy is going to drop the subpeonas if he does?

I’m sure Trump, Chad Wolf, Stephen Miller, etc, are quaking in their boots at this remarkable tweet from Pelosi.

It’s been 3.5 years of letter writing, press conferencing, shade-throwing, and tweeting. Where has it gotten us?

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