Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

NYC City Council members are legit giving speeches to call out the protesters, while claiming to support the cause, then voting Yes. (The movement wants them to vote No, because they say the $1B cut is really just moving money around within the budget, not cutting much of anything.)

We’re going to get curb stomped in this vote.

Weird vote, the woke left and the right is voting no, the establishment Dems are voting yay.

Horseshoe theory confirmed


I agree with that. I think if we manage to keep our democracy in November, and manage to use the victory to fix it (VRA, statehood, etc), a win is inevitable as millennials become a bigger and bigger chunk of the voting population.

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No discussions about the shooting in CHOP?

Apparently the security they opened fire on the wrong car, killing two black teenagers.

Hey now we have a strict no kink shaming policy here. If you make fun if these people @clovis8 will be here in no time to tell you that ACTUALLY Nazi shoulder rubbing is a perfectly normal and surprisingly wide spread sexual activity and it’s wrong to stigmatize it.


Like bailing out Wall St.?

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They probably do believe in civil liberties as long as those civil liberties don’t interrupt their Sunday BBQ in their gated community.

And they would fucking LOVE for a black celebrity/businessperson to come to that BBQ. It’s poor people of any color they don’t want to have anywhere near them. It’s power and money they care about not race. Racism is a tool that their class uses to divide the lower classes. This is why all the solutions to racism they propose aren’t going to work. They don’t want it to work. They need to keep the political system from doing what is in the best interests of at least 80% of the population and that depends on the many demographics in that 80% of the population from uniting on economic issues.

This is a pretty rare time when enough openly racist police brutality is being caught on film, and enough /edit whites /edit appear to be willing to be allies (at least temporarily), that it seems like an opportunity for at least some incremental progress.

I don’t think the mood has been this hopeful in the last 60 years (though the black people I know are not nearly as hopeful of change as everyone else). This thread is being used to discuss the issues of systemic racism and police brutality in the US.

I think the problem with “wait till BLM finds out about Obummer bombing brown people” is it comes across as dickish, dimissive of black people’s complaints, and a bit ass-holish–as if they aren’t already aware, or are so unsophisticated they don’t care because he’s black. It’s an abject failure to read the room.

I think that’s what @MichaelDavis was getting at.

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what a joke



removed or just moved? @PocketChads what’s the scoop?

meme-worthy pic


also. LOL


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My deplorable cousins live in Danville, VA, and my father’s family is all from TN. The south is a weird and wild and sometimes wonderful place.

So hard to describe politics there to folks who have never lived/experienced it.

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I know I posted this earlier but here are the last words of Elijah who these officers mocked in their photos

Sounds like a dangerous urban THUG to me. Case closed.


Here, we review basic respiratory physiology and highlight our role as clinicians and scientists in educating the public against relying on speech as a sign of adequate respiration—especially when this medical misconception is used to propagate injustice or violence.

Normal speech only requires approximately 50 mL of gas per syllable—thus, stating “I can’t breathe” would require 150 mL of gas (5). Anatomical dead space is typically one third the volume of an ordinary breath. George Floyd could have uttered those syllables repeatedly with small breaths that filled only the trachea and bronchi but brought no air to the alveoli, where actual gas exchange happens.

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Actually, since CHOP’s been in place there have been four separate shootings, not counting the one where the dude drove into the crowd and then shot a guy.

One dead, one in critical condition in early morning shooting at Capitol Hill protest zone known as CHOP

Second shooting in 48 hours injures teen Sunday night in Seattle’s CHOP area

Seattle police investigating Tuesday morning shooting on Capitol Hill near Cal Anderson Park and CHOP

Shooting at Seattle’s CHOP protest site kills 16-year-old boy, leaves 14-year-old seriously injured

I think you’re referring to the last one. Only one person died, although the way the mayor and police chief have been talking about it makes it confusing because they keep saying “two people are dead” (they’re including the death from the 6/20 shooting).

I haven’t seen any reporting that CHOP “security” did the shooting. Links?

Anyway, it’s sure to be fine now that CHOP has been “liberated.”

Check out the article for some chilling photos, like this one.