Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

No. These were left leaning protesters who heard something they didn’t like or just weren’t discriminating.


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lmao at quoting Jonathan Chait, the New York Magazine guy who is anti-union because he gets paid so much more than everyone else and has been consistently wrong about literally everything for twenty years

The man does not give a fuck about black life or justice, his “sincerely earnest view” is that everyone should calm down so he can go back to not being troubled by the conditions in America that let him make 200k a year or whatever writing columns about how he still thinks the Iraq War was a good idea and books about how Barack Obama created a permanent Democratic majority


The Madison unrest kicked off when the protesters wanted the cops to release this guy. One of the fires set was at an administrative office for the jail where he is being held.

I’m not sure how to feel about this. The AAPI groups definitely have a valid argument. I definitely lean toward repealing it and restoring Affirmative action, but it probably WOULD hurt AAPI concerns in the state universities.

And actually broke his wrist.

Kinda can’t believe this hasn’t been posted yet.

Fired Wilmington cop: “We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them f—— ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.”

According to the investigation summary, at 6:51 a.m., on a date not listed, Piner and Gilmore are recorded having a conversation.

“Their conversation eventually turned to the topic of the protests against racism occurring across the nation. Piner tells Gilmore that the only thing this agency is concerned with ‘kneeling down with the black folks.’ Gilmore then said that he watched a video on social media about white people bowing down on their knees and ‘worshipping blacks,'” according to the summary.

The conversation then turned to other police officers in the Wilmington Police Department — black officers.

The audio has Piner calling one of the officers ‘bad news’ and a ‘piece of shit.’

“Let’s see how his boys take care of him when shit gets rough, see if they don’t put a bullet in his head,” Piner said about a fellow officer.

The second of the two conversations that day happened after Piner received a phone call from Moore.

According to the summary, “Moore began telling Piner about an arrest he had made at work the day before. During that conversation, Moore refers to the female as a ‘negro’ and a ‘ni—-‘ on multiple occasions.”

He also referred to a magistrate judge, who is also black, as a ‘fucking negro magistrate.’

“At one point, Moore states, ‘she needed a bullet in her head right then and move on. Let’s move the body out of the way and keep going.’ Piner responds, ‘That’s what I have been trying to tell you,'” according to the documents.

After more derogatory comments about the arrestee and the magistrate, the conversation takes an even bleaker turn, as the two officers discuss an upcoming ‘civil war.’

“Piner tells Moore later in the conversation that he feels a civil war is coming and he is ‘ready.’ Piner advised he is going to buy a new assault rifle in the next couple of weeks. A short time later Officer Piner began to discuss society being close to ‘martial law’ and soon ‘we are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them fucking ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.’ Moore responded that he would not do that. Piner stated, ‘I am ready.'” according to the summary.

“Officer Piner then explained to Cpl. Moore that he felt society needed a civil war to ‘wipe ’em off the fucking map. That’ll put ’em back about four or five generations.'”

These guys will be badged up in FL by tomorrow


I feel like inside every Trump supporter is a shitbag who wants to say those same things, must are just too afraid to do it.


Gotta say kinda amazing and impressive that the Sergeant and then chief of police actually outed this shit and fired them. Good on them.




Fuck fuck fuck. And the end when one cop says “No the one with the warrant is over there.”

They suck so much.

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Of course the cops didn’t respond. They were too busy shaking down citizens doing nothing wrong. They don’t have time for a major crime in progress.

Yessssss get fucked

You have out of town plates, right? In movies, cops hate that.

They know that if they give you a bogus ticket, you’re way less likely to come back and fight it. Like if you’re from 6 hours away, and the ticket is for $150-200, how many people are going to drive back to fight it?

It’s probably because they are worried you are an outside agitator.

I’m sure the locals hate tourists because they are the ones who pollute and do other unseemly things.

From last year, but getting attention now.

The cops basically killed Steve Urkel for walking in his own neighborhood.

“Last August, police officers in Aurora, Colorado, approached 23-year-old Elijah McClain as he walked home from a convenience store. The Aurora Police Department later said that a 911 caller had reported a “suspicious person” in a ski mask, and that when officers confronted McClain — who was not armed and had not committed any kind of crime — he “resisted arrest.” In the 15 minutes that followed, the officers tackled McClain to the ground, put him in a carotid hold, and called first responders, who injected him with ketamine. He had a heart attack on the way to the hospital, and died days later, after he was declared brain dead.”


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When the police sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people who have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing thugs. They’re bringing swine. They’re racists. And some, I assume, are good people.