Police Murder George Floyd Then Riot Nationwide (Links to Streams in OP)

Luckily the bottle failed to explode and the officers managed to flee the vehicle uninjured.

Remember folks, if you make a Molotov cocktail, score the bottle to make sure it explodes.

Photoshopped Biden on John Conner’s head in T2 saying “You have to promise you won’t kill anyone”

What are the chances this goes well?


Seriously, except for the military, who else can they send?

My knowledge of guns is basically zero and even to me Biden’s idea sounds idiotic.

However, I’m curious if shooting at a leg is ever a viable strategy. Is there really never a time when it’s the best option? My intuition is that there must be some rare circumstances, but I don’t know anything about guns, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I was wrong.

This is all nonsense anyway, in how many of these murders are the cops even facing a knife?


No. Basically no one can shoot that good during a confrontation and if you are going to draw a gun as a last resort your life should be in danger meaning you should be shooting to kill. Too many wild west movies.

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In other words, polls open until 8 for whites and 7 for minorities or you’ll be arrested.

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TKO by rear naked choke

Not to mention that shooting someone in the leg is still potentially lethal. You hit a femoral artery and they bleed out before an ambulance could even get there.

So, is the argument that shooting in the leg would be best in certain cases if you could pull it off reliably, but since you can’t, it shouldn’t be attempted.

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I’ve heard from people who credibly claim to know that it’s just not realistic in the heat of the moment, certainly not as a general policy. There’s also the fact that it can easily be lethal anyway. Better know how to tie a tourniquet or ‘less-than-lethal’ could just be ‘more slowly fatal’.

Its totally Westerns that he has in mind. “Make 'em dance!”

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Hitting a moving target during a tense confrontation is hard enough. Being able to accurately aim at a person’s leg in a matter of a few seconds is next to impossible.

Amadou Diallo got hit with 19 of 41 shots and the cops were 10 feet away when shooting.

Now listen here jack! Just bounce the dang bullet off the back of an old pot, then off a rivet, then through a guys ten gallon hat, off the back of a horseshoe and then hit the hand holding the knife. We’ve all done it.


Corn Pop sure could. Man nobody messed with him because if you did, Apple Jack had a double-barreled shotgun that he could hit you wish from 1000 feet away.


I knew that Corn Pop was a bad dude who ran a bunch of bad boys but I had no idea.


Military would be better, honestly. Prison CERT teams will be bashing skulls immediately.

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