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I was rooting for notontilt09 until that interview

Wow, the Ukrainian just limp shoved almost 50bb bvb w/K9h


Fossilman was a farmer I believe.

What happened in the interview

I doubt any of us would stand up to the scrutiny of every hand being televised in the main event playing for life changing money.


Not a total disaster, but still a bad day for him. To have 25% of the chips in play with 15 left then go into the FT in 4th isn’t great.

Macerius lost 50m chips from when ten handed started

Toby Lewis lost like 40m

He described his time spent golfing with tRUmp

Wtf they are playing 10 handed? Is this a nightly $70?

2 tables of 5 hand for hand is the alternative so they do this

They do it every year, unofficial final table.

“So” is not the word I’d use

Really I thought they did 2 five. Lol my memory.

10 handed poker is soooooo dumb.

I think with 2 five players tables you would see a weird stalling dynamic where shorties try to wait to see what happens on the other table before they make their decision. It already happens when they are down to two tables but it would be so much worse on the main event FT bubble.

yeah 10 handed >> 5 hands/hr tankfest

Hand for hand but you can’t see or hear the other table while a hand is in progress

Or just embrace it and have both tables right next to each other, with an overhead camera showing all 10 players checking each other out

if you’re short stacked in this scenario clearly the play is to write a note to your tablemates saying its always been your dream to FT the main event and it would so much if you could let me have a walk in my BB every orbit.


What! People play so tight ten handed and so loose 5 handed. You guys are nuts.

It’s not as loose as you would think 5 handed with ICM and the disparity between stacks.

I think they used to do two tables of five and hand for hand was so tedious that ten-handed was an improvement.