it’s really stupid thought process anyway especially when as posted above, none of these people are normal so they are not going to give any sort of rational response
I wonder how much of a market there is doing security consulting for productions like this?
The more I learn the more I am bewildered. They know pretty much less than nothing. I wonder what a zero-trust system would look like inside of there. I’m pretty sure it can be done.
Guy won 3 pots hes now making gay jokes at the dude on his left
The problem is there are only a handful of these worldwide it’s the ultimate niche market.
which means you could probably command an incredible hourly - the intersection of tech skills + poker knowledge isn’t extremely common, albeit fairly common in this community and 2p2.
the reason in my opinion it isnt common is even with a basic ass tech job you can make far more than most live pros with a 10th of the effort.
JonnyA is right.
It’s basic supply and demand.
Not much. Seems like they try to run these as cheaply as possible, so there’s no budget for serious security consulting.
it’s like that in the real world too, lol. I’m trying to shift into security right now and it’s always a secondary concern, if any at all, until it’s too late and someone pulls a jmakin.
Seriously hard to decide which side is the dumber contingent here.
Garrett, Robbi, Bryan
Polk, Berky, Joey.
How much attention would you say you’d paid to him before this
Think I watched him a couple times maybe, so not much.
I guess I falsely assumed he was not an idiot but sounds like there was lots of evidence to the contrary before all this.
More like a Foxen light in that their poker ability isn’t in dispute but everything else was…interesting.
Ok this is all realty tv bs. Has to be. Haralabous is playing with DGAF on hustler stream tonight.
How can this be real life?
Haralabous has been the loudest voice in the for sure cheating camp and an inside job and he decides to play on the steam with a guy he has accused of cheating.
I am so fucking confused!
They’re all self promoting whores who know they don’t have to be consistent
I get that for Polk et al. but what is Bob promoting? Thought he made all his money sports betting and doing stats for teams?
He is just giving himself some huge negative freeroll.
What is Hbob promoting
The one thing Robbi was right about - they are all in it for the clout. Deeb was trying to tell her how ridiculous that was for Haralabous. And sure, he’s legit famous already, but he’s always been about self-promotion. IIRC wasn’t that why he got fired from the Mavs - that he leaked stuff about how he was really the true GM and decision maker, and that pissed off others in the building. I also seriously doubt that he’s anywhere near as rich as he claims - I’m sure he’s made tons betting, but it always seems embellished.
Himself. He likes attention.