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Obviously joking but man this does reek now

As I said it has to move anyone being fair. Galfond saying it swings him 165 points is just insanity.

Feels like the right line is something like 60/40 not cheating when adding this new evidence.

The backdoor is where the anal beads go.

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100 percent cheating now. The woman got robbed.

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True I guess in that context. Lol


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You do realize this is how a person is suppose to come to a conclusion right? Weigh the best evidence using well established epistemological rules and shift ones opinion as new good evidence is introduced.

If they can somehow tie cowboy hat or tie her to this guy even absent other details I’ll probably get really suspicious. But if they can tie them together the whole thing is likely to break I suppose, and all the details will come out anyway. My first thoughts on heating about the chip theft were lol HCL scumbags stealing from their players, but those tweets are pretty WTF.

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99.9% sure of something but too scared to lay the reflecting odds. Embarrassing performance by you in the thread these few days. At least you got to treat CW like shit for a week and call him Q-Anon adjacent. Just fucking LOL.


No, if he gets paid 10% of all winnings, and she says “I gave back the $135K so I’m only giving you 10% of the net not counting that,” maybe he takes whatever the rest is, then goes in for his the remaining money, and he’s not gonna sit there and count out $13.5K while he’s stealing on camera so he grabs three $5Ks.

As I’ve been saying from the start.

is the vibrating chair back on then?


I need mah Wikipedia articles about conspiracy theories and being susceptible to magical thinking!

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The fact that you think the correct application of epistemology is an embarrassment doesn’t reflect poorly on me my friend.

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On the night the entire poker world was watching her, with the biggest poker drama we’ve seen in a couple years blowing up, on multiple surveillance cameras, one of the only people with access to hole card information in real time just so happens to steal $15K off Robbi’s stack on the table in front of at least 10 cameras, and upon being informed of this crime, she does not wish to press charges… And you’re at 60/40 no cheating? Come onnnnn.


If he really felt those are the odds it’s a really dumb bet for him to make. He can only win insignificant money or lose very meaningful money. Never mind that proving a negative is basically impossible.

He knows that and he knows nobody gives all the juice in a bet. It was all just weak rhetoric. Aka trolling.

He took the chips after the stream, when they were no longer being tracked.

Before he protected his Twitter, I saw videos of him playing poker, so he is probably around often enough to not raise suspicion.

You didn’t know any of this 2 days ago when you were 95% she was cheating with whatever theories you had then :roll_eyes:


nah Galfond is completely correct, this is essentially Fox News calling Arizona for Biden

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