Poker News and Live Streams - HU4LOLLZ

Come to Florida if you ever get a chance


Maybe a trip to Best Bet is in order!

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You are playing the lowest limits and want us to believe your are purposely creating multi-way pots to counter your opponents studying with solvers.

That’s the funniest thing I have read in some time.

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I mean I didn’t want to be a dick about it but yeah hardly anyone you play at 2/5 or lower is studying solvers very much or very effectively. Maybe one player every 4-5 tables. And those guys were crushing 2/5 way before they got into solvers.

Only when I play NL tournaments.

Any good NL table is going multi-way to flop with a bunch of stations and maybe some flat out whales, Solver work really isn’t that helpful in these spots

That’s even worse. The value of your chips and winning every hand are so much more in MTTs purposely creating multi-way instead of HU pots has to be monumentally -ev.

Creating conditions where it’s hard to iso for guys who crush the game by iso-ing. My counter when I get certain personality types who like to 3bet me light is to limp more rather than 4bet light. It just tilts some guys who fancy themselves alpha males when I make it hard for them to play poker as an expression of toxic masculinity.

Well, I normally skip NL tournaments for a reason.

Bestbet in Orange Park might be the softest 2/5 NL game I’ve ever experienced, but it’s a 500 cap unfortunately. But people are just dumping

Smaller caps are great because people gamble it up more and play wider ranges against my nutted hands.

I’m guessing you play with no bad beat button, right?

What is a bad beat button?

The ultra nits use it so the dealer doesn’t take the extra dollar drop from the pots they win.

I thought it was to let the table know you refuse to take bad beats

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That sounds dumb and shouldn’t be allowed.

Why wouldn’t you use it? Aren’t bad beat jackpots all EV- (other than when they get big)? I’ve never played at a casino that offers it, but why turn down free EV.

It’s neutral ev in Alberta. House takes no cut. It’s massively -ev to opt out because it’s a giant “I only play the nuts” sign.

It’s usually neutral EV with high variance.

I seriously doubt at 2/5 or whatever stakes people adjust their game based on whether you opt out. I’ve seen guys nit it up for hours, and people still call them light cause it’s low stakes and time to gamble.

Also - seems it would be optimal if players actually adjusted to opt out and then play aggressive.

Didn’t realize house took no cut in most places.