Poker Hands and Strategy

To add to the flop decision. Good hands to check on this specific board (T94r) would usually be anything with a 9 in it for showdown and some weak draws like mine.

Strong hands like overpairs and OESDs are good contenders for the larger sizing post (since you dont block Tx) and hands like Tx and underpairs are good for the smaller sizing particularly if you want to use how your opponent reacts as a gauge on firing the 2nd barrel.

Thread kind of died away but oh well.

I called the flop with a plan to call most rivers but also potentially find folds if the river bet is oversized. When I cold-call the turn, I can (and should) absolutely have KQ in my range as well, and if our opponent bets into us again, it really should be some cause for alarm bells.

We call, the crazy SB thinks for a bit, has a spiel and folds.

RIVER: $750: King, flush draw misses. Final board is JT4-9-K.

Our opponent bets $500 relatively quickly leaving himself about $2k behind.


River Option
  • Fold the river
  • Call the river
  • Raise small (to $1200)
  • Move all in for $2.5k total eff

0 voters

I am in the same game tonight and hopefully will have some more interesting hands to discuss street by street.

I feel like you’re hardly ever beat here, but I don’t really see what you get value from either. Just hope he’s taking a random spewy line and doesn’t have a Queen. Don’t love any option other than just calling.

I’ve enjoyed reading these and managed to get a vote or 2 in…

What Zimmer said… :+1:

It’s a Call, can’t really fold or raise in this spot unless you have a very good read on the villain.

He will probably turn 10-Q just to annoy you. :grin: Alough I suspect a q-9 hand.

Finally got around to answering this one.

I actually shoved the river. The reason namely

[spoiler]On the turn, the crazy guy bets and the other good player raises. He can’t possibly be raising with AQ in this hand with basically no expected fold equity vs the guy betting, he has to have something he is taking to showdown.

Because he can’t have AQ, we have a huge range advantage, because we totally can have AsQs with the way this hand has played out so far and how deep we are.

He probably isn’t going to fold, but its worth a shot on what is at this stage an absolute freeroll.[/spoiler]

He ended up

[spoiler]Calling, but was pretty disgusted by it and took a bit of time to call. I think if I had another $1k it might have worked.

I actually think his river bet is horrible. I’m never calling him with a set, and it sets him up to potentially be bluffed off a chop/get stacked when I have AQ instead of just losing a bet.

Had the river been a brick, his bet would be fine. [/spoiler]

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Man rake is nuts at cheeseburger stakes. Run AA into AA and it’s like a 6 BB loss.

Yeah it’s tough to play anything below. 10/.25 for that reason.

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VB this river? Villain is not good, but clearly positionally aware and is reloading to 100bb every hand. Hasn’t done anything of note. Probably a reg at .05/.1.

Button (hero) 11.56
BB: 10.00

Hero: A :diamonds:6 :diamonds:

Hero raises to 0.30, SB folds, BB calls

Flop: A :clubs: T :spades: 6 :spades: (Pot .62 after rake)

Check, Hero bets .31 (standard cb for me), call.

Turn Q :hearts: (Pot 1.20 about after rake)

Check, Hero bets 1.01, call

River 7 :spades:

Check, Hero?

AK seems unlikely. AJ/A9/A8/Ax is in play but tough to see a call with the flush coming in. Would have to be awful villain.

Just xb. You’re not going to be good >50% when called here unless he’s the biggest station on the planet and you’re going to have plenty of better hands to go for value with here anyway.


I checked, villain had A9. Think a lot about these spots. Feel like they’re far bigger determinants of win rates vs a lot of other situations that are posted.

I mean, you’re right that value betting appropriately is where a lot of your win rate comes from, especially at these stakes (that and not doing stupid shit preflop are probably 2 of the biggest ones), but I don’t think this type of spot is a major contributor. Think about how many flushes alone you have here to value bet. All your AxKs, KsQx, KxQs, KsJx, KxJs, and on and on play this way. Then you’ve got all the KJ straight combos, possibly the 89s str8s too, and 9 combos of flopped sets plus if you really want to value bet 2 pair you’ll have all the AQ and AT combos as well. If he’s actually calling bets with A9o here you’re going to have so many more spots where you can absolutely roast him.

It’s more the spots where you have an overpair or TOP TOP or [insert strong hand here] and go bet/bet/bet and get called by like 3rd pair or whatever the fuck where you’re making bank. I wouldn’t sweat maybe not squeezing every last ounce of value out of what is a relatively weak hand on this board.

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You’re 100% right, just been out the game too long.

A sad day for Dallas grinders.

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LOL hand of the week from the nightly Party MI $109
UTG is very LAG, 2nd limper and BB are both super loose donks. Table is overall extremely limpy/passive pf so UTG having a lrr hand seems unlikely.

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LOL hand of the week from the Party MI Sunday $215.
V is 97/0 over 40 hands and randomly clicks buttons.



I would never do that, but I might be an asshole.

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Just tip the dealer xtra.


That seems completely reasonable.

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Poker is a game of predators and it’s easy to forget.

I would never share a high hand bonus with opponents but would tip the dealer. Maybe call a few family pots for balance.

Nothing asshole about it. There could even be an exception I haven’t thought of. My heart cooks my brain all the time so I get the inclination.


Unless black chips are something other than 100s, I don’t think anyone expects you to split a $200 bonus with the rest of the table. Even at higher figures, that expectation is virtually always wrong. $8 tip to dealer for that seems reasonable, imo.