Poker Hands and Strategy

Can someone explain these vlogs a bit too me? I thought filming or taken photos in a casino was not allowed. So maybe an unknown could do it once or twice, but eventually it should be obvious to the floor what’s going on.

So is this not actually a rule? Are they just really unobservant and no one complains? Do they know and just not GAF.

Some places now allow it. Others actively invite it. A few places are a “better to ask forgiveness than permission” kind of places.

I played a in a room last year where they actively advertised it and the place was packed on two weeknights in a row. Normally there would be 2, maybe 3 at most 2/5 tables and if I remember correctly there was something like 15 tables those nights. He didn’t play at my table. Skip to 7:14 for a fun one from a regular there.

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Clicking some buttons playing 0.05/0.10, just won 350 bbs with JJ v KK v QT in a 3b pot on a KJ9 board.

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wes cutshall, if he ever comes back.

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Hellmuth beats Negreanu again. I’m so confused! It’s like hellmuth lives in some bubble where math doesn’t exist. Lol variance!

I hope you are not posting this as an example of good play by hellmuth!

Hellmuth is the Tom Brady of poker


I remember seeing this hand, you only have a bluff catcher against this guy on this line. Since he has a 5 and the flush getting there–there aren’t any reasonable bluffs except QJ/J9 and Phil isn’t known for those.

Cates probably should just jam on the turn and hope he’s not snapped though.

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:+1: :+1: :+1:


I mean that whole video is gold

Hand 1: Matusow sucking out
Hand 2: Matusow taunting Raymer
Intermission: “I used to have big ego, no one plays better than be. You gotta be humble”
Hand 3: On a Th 9d 3d board, Raymer shoves with Ad Jd. Matusow patting himself on the back for calling with 97.
Hand 4: The crying


Posted a heap on the old site back in the day on the “live poker” board. Anyway they had a pretty nifty idea called “Play a hand with me” that was pretty good and we might as well do the same thing here. Il start

Background. I’m a very handy player in Australia. Due to laws about 5 handed at the local casino a lot of private games are running and the games are amazing.

There is only one other player at the table who can tie his shoes and is the opponent. Tighter than me, but aggressive and plays well against the fish. We have both vacuumed up cash today. Havent played a hand vs each other over 5 hours as we have generally just isod the fun players.

Its 2/5 nl aud 500 max we are both playing 2k eff.

His BB. Two limps I raise the HJ with AA to 25. Folds to him he makes it 100 and its back to me

What should we do here

  • Call
  • Raise to 225 total
  • Raise to 275 total
  • Raise to 325 total
  • Raise to 400 total
  • Raise to 500+

0 voters

As well as that, for added credit. What would you do with 500 stack depths and 1k stack depth and 4k stack depth.

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To add more on me.

In this game I’m very aggressive pre and actually a bit looser since all the bad parts of that strategy (being 3bet/limp raised light) simply dont happen in these game without JJ+/AK. So even though its unbalanced (I’m probably folding to 80-90% of 3bets pre) it doesnt matter.

Villain wouldnt have played much with me at this point historically (I have been well known on the cities poker scene for 10 years from donkaments) but surely realises I am at least as competent as him.

Making it 325 at 2k eff. Prob making it around 275 with 1k eff stacks and prob flatting or shoving at 500 eff.


I probably play this as a mix of usually 4betting to a size where the intention is to get it in by the turn and occasionally flatting, but I have a super-tight image. Calling becomes more of an option the deeper you are, but makes more sense when you have an image or history to exploit by under-repping your hand. I would also consider calling with AA more if my opponent is an aggressive c-bettor who usually bets too large.

A down bet is pretty normal sizing for a flop c-bet in a 4bet pot. 225 and 275 seem to set up too large of a turn bet if your goal is to down bet the flop and shove the turn, but seem more appropriate for three streets of potential betting 4k deep (but you won’t always bet all three streets). I don’t quite have the hang of overbetting the pot, though.

325 with a 275 flop bet leaves 1400 behind with a pot of 1200 if called. That feels about right to me.

I could see some merit to 400 or more if you believe that you should just be straightforward with this player because you’d rather concentrate on exploiting the fish and you don’t want to dick around with trying to stack this guy.

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I was watching one of Matusow’s WSOP online streams (I must have been incredibly bored). At one point he was arguing that AQ v. JT was a 2.5 to 1 fave. He was legit shocked when he looked at an odds calculator and saw it was only a 60/40. And this guy was one of the better live tourney players 20 years ago. Man, must have been incredible to be a semi-competent player back then.

Feel pretty strongly that 325 is too much. This isn’t online, people react different live. It’s dumb but it sure seemed true

Feel like you generally bet bigger live vs online. I’d probably raise smaller if stacks were smaller or larger.


fold face up pre. refuse to talk about it with him. get inside his head.


Yes and no. CBs are generally smaller, later streets not as much.