Poker Hands and Strategy

Article made me go check the 2p2 thread and fairly well known live pro Bart Hanson from live at the bike made this video a few days ago so I watched it just now.

Again he 100% cheated, video shows it quite clearly.

Also CTO - crotch theory optimal

when stuff like this happens, you also get a learning opportunity in seeing how cheaters respond to those accusations. Take note in what he’s doing/saying and then if you ever accuse someone of cheating and they have a very similar response…

he also hasn’t played at all since, seems like if you were crushing you could just go play and keep crushing off stream and prove it that way. Also when asked i think on Matusows podcast to explain how he plays, he said something like his style was just unexplainable. lol

Also apparently Phil Galfond posted in last couple days that if people could get him the data he would do an exhaustive analysis.

Both the video above and the Phil Galfond thing came about because apparently Stones and Justin Kiratis were crowing about how the court cases going nowhere meant there was never any wrongdoing.

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sure but I don’t get why a significant amount of people and resources are going to something we all already know.

It’s like proving the earth is round at this point, the flat earth believers still don’t care.

The crowing is simply because those people enjoy it, not only getting away with it but also getting to taunt opponents. Yes the logic is stupid, the courts aren’t doing shit so we’re innocent, but that’s part of the point.

This is exactly why you need the power of subpoena and not just internet gumshoes. State of CA dropping the ball on every level.

Man, limit poker. I’m a moron and I feel like I could jump in most limit games. I did have some great HUHU coaching back in the day (shout-out Guildwolf)

It’s funny to think about the Minnesota crew just printing for years. Memories

There is a reason LHE is called poo-flinging.

Player to my right has been open-jamming for around 20bb in the CO/BU a ton ever since he sat down at my table. He has myself and the next two players covered, so he hasn’t been risking his entire stack. Chunky-looking Asian male, age 30 to 60, playing poker on his phone between hands, if it matters.

He’s not shoving 100% of hands but he’s very likely to have a range wider than any ace, any pair, any two broadway. He moved over to my table after the bubble broke.

I have about 12bb and slightly cover the players left to act. We are barely in the money and a couple of spots away from the next pay jump, from approximately 1.8 buy-ins to 2.1 buy-ins. The next pay jump is another 8 spots later. If I am willing to let my stack dwindle to 4-5bb, I should be able to fold into the next pay jump, but I don’t find that idea appetizing.

Given this information, what’s a reasonable range to assign to this player when he shoves OTB and I am in the SB? If I know that his range is greater than 30% but less than 100%, how much trouble do I get into by assuming he is shoving 50% of hands?

He is abusing the bubble. You need to defend wide in order to build a stack to contend. Making the money mentality is suicidal in MTTs. All the money is at the top so the only way to be profitable is to go for a win. You need to defend way more than you are likely comfortable doing so if cashing 2x is even crossing your mind.

I tell people to think of MTTs as lotteries where you can have an edge. Nobody plays the lottery to double their investment. You need to gamble for a win.

If he is jamming 60%+ you need to defend like 40-50% of your hands.

I’m not sure if he’s jamming 60%+. He could be jamming with around 40%. I wouldn’t say he was abusing the bubble. I think he was more in gamble-gamble mode to build a stack after the money bubble had burst and we had a few tables of relatively flat payouts. Some players seem to gamble more until they get around 30bb or whatever they think is enough to have more playability than push-fold, then tighten up and try to wait for better spots.

I snap-called with A2o, which is about 50% against a top 60% range. I think I was right to call there, but wouldn’t have been right if he were CO and I was OTB, and definitely wrong in any earlier position.

I don’t need a big stack to contend. Every significant tournament I’ve won, I’ve been one of the shorter stacks at the final table and I’m not the aggressive type who runs over the table with a big stack, so a big stack is not worth as much to me.

I’m fine with pushing small edges, but I don’t feel comfortable taking the worst of it against their range in the hopes of getting a big stack.

ICMizer is the tool to use for these spots, I believe you can get one free calc per day and if you want to get good at ICM spots it’s 100% worth the money.

This is a reasonable approximation of your scenario, I had to put you in BB to get the range v range chart, but the general idea is the same from SB, just a little tighter. Equilibrium BTN range is ~54% and there is a significant value in figuring out what his range actually is because your range doubles as V’s range widens from 40-65%

A2o is actually a fold vs even a 60% range with you in the BB, but it’s somewhat close and actual payout structure might change things. With another player to act, its def a fold, BB’s calling range has you dominated almost every time.


Honestly, my focus has been on non-NL tournaments and I just want to improve my weakest game so that I don’t feel completely lost in mixed game tournaments. I’ve been nitting it up and punting NLHE in something like an 8-game mix tournament. I doubt there is a tool like ICMIZER for figuring out how to play a short stack in a PLO or HORSE tournament and I don’t play straight-up NL tournaments often enough to justify buying a product like that.

I felt like calling with A2o was somewhat close and if I was wrong it wasn’t going to be a huge mistake. I just got it in my mind that I was calling this guy’s shove with anything better than KQ because I was tired of him taking away my opportunities to steal the blinds in late position. I’m not sure if that motivation is too undisciplined. The work I’ve done suggests that people call all-ins with Kx hands way too often, but I haven’t really solved to see how much better weak aces are.

You still have a chance of people behind you having a real hand which should be factored in imo. Missed War’s post when I typed this.

That’s from the SB at equilibrium. KQ is a much better hand because it isn’t dumpstered by every good hand and the entire BB overcalling range. This is assuming a BB range of 99+,AJs, AQ.

I did factor it in. BB in this hand thought I was super-tight, so he was going to lay down hands that other people wouldn’t. I felt this meant that I could call slightly wider than normally in this spot because he wasn’t going to overcall with AJ, 88, and maybe better hands than those.

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Anyways, I may have unwittingly gotten myself a fold in a different hand. This is pre-bubble.

I open-shoved for around 5700 in the CO with a 400 big blind, so a bit under 15bb. BU asks for a count and dealer makes an egregiously bad mistake of saying it is over 10,000. I immediately correct her and say it is way less. When she gets the correct amount, I mistakenly try to correct her and say it is 5200, but it gets sorted out quickly.

Maybe it looked like I really wanted a call because BU tank-folds. Based on his talk afterwards, he had a medium pair, maybe 99 but I suspect JJ because he asked if I had QQ and people usually ask if you had the hand that pips them.

you bust too often to call with A2o is the problem

lol folding JJ to that must’ve been lol live players

I’m getting very good at getting hero called by absolute shit in the money and it binks anyway and I’m tired of it.

7 handed 2/5 no cash game. Everyone limps to me. BB is a good player capable of raising with non-premiums.

I have a folding range. Is that too nitty?

Are you SB?