Poker Hands and Strategy

Significantly stronger? It depends on what you consider significant, but my hand should be stronger than his range with what I hoped would be dead money in the pot and my raise was bigger than his stack, so there would be no post-flop betting if everyone else folded.

Has anyone good at poker ever min check raised?

1/2 players all think it’s the sneakiest play of all time.

I bet I get min check raised like 25 times a session. :joy:

Maybe they watched this video. (I haven’t.)

I have when it leaves enough for a short stack (that I can tell is itching to get it in) to push all-in but still reopen the door for me if he does push. I hate being handcuffed into a call.

Example: Shorty nit utg w/ 150 raises to 15 pre. 3 callers, hero bb w/88, calls. Flop 8h7h2c. Hero check. Nit bets 40, 3 callers, hero raises to 80.

This is a made-up situation, but I have been in similar.

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It can make sense to do it on the river on a four flush or double paired board.

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I was being a bit hyperbolic but it’s hilarious how so many nits think the solution to a lag is to min check raise their cbets. They proudly rake in their $30 then next hand stack off for $300 to me with one pair.

I do it every once in a while when I check river and I think villain is full of it but I have 6 high.

For a short while back in the day, I would actually make heaps in tourneys by min c/r dry A-hi boards when defending blinds vs lp open basically 100% of the time. A few times people folded and showed me an ace.

This is pretty funny.


PLO etiquette question. I never play PLO. I got into a hand where someone bet flop for the pot and I shoved all in with top and bottom pair and nut flush draw. I bricked and I just showed my top and bottom pair. The opponent hems and haws and sits there for like 20 seconds and then shows top two. I’m like what the fuck, he says what the fuck is wrong with you, show your hand! I guess because I didn’t flip over all four cards. AITA?

Kinda ya


I thought it was normal to just show your two playable cards

Nah always show all four in plo partly because it is so much more common to misread your hand, especially when new. I’ve seen so many people say two pair and show a tiny flush or straight.

Of course you should always show all four in case you misread your hand, but is deliberately showing just two a slight on the other player?

Marginal slight I guess.

I mean he has to trust you that you are not slowrolling him plus he doesnt get to see your hand. So its equal to just saying “i missed” and not turning your hand over in holdem.

Some might show a winning hand and some might wait for you to flip it over. Both are fine

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Agree which is why I default to always showing all four.

When someone says “I missed” I’m in the camp that automatically flips the winning hand without question, and I guess I never really expected that villain could even think I’d be slowrolling here, but I guess it happens sometimes. Hmm. Fair enough.

Shouldn’t the dealer have stepped in and said something like " show all four cards, please"?