Poker Hands and Strategy

Jumped back into the live arena after a 4 month absence due to my weak-tight shitty play. Booked a 25BB/hr win at 1/3 and walked out feeling like I’d broken even. I had a great table, couple of bad regs and 5 total fish and was card dead most of the night. Opened up with a raie to $10 with 89hh and got two calls, c-bet the A high flop and took it down. One of those guys flopped an open ender with 77 versus my AK a few hands later and I took down a nice pot when he semi-bluffed the turn and made a pot sized bet OTR after I turned an A. The guys immediately to my right and left were the two worst players at the table, with the guy to my right being the worst player at the table by a comfortable margin. He cracked my AA with KJo and tripled up to $132ish while I took down the $6 side pot versus 55 that was making a stand against my aggression, then I started feeling like I might have a bad allergy attack at the 2 hour mark and had to bail out 30 minutes later so I could get home and load up on zyrtec and benadryl. Made it home just in time, but it felt so bad leaving that seat.

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Had a fun hand today.

1/3 effective stack is $700 I have $1300

I am straddle otb with AhQc (I three bet here 75% of time but decided to call this time)

MP calls and late position(main villain) raises to $25

Fold to me I call.

MP calls. Three to flop with $78 in pot

Flop QJ5ddd

Check, check to me

I bet $45

Fold and main villain calls. $168 in pot

River 8c

Check. I bet $90

Villain tanka and calls. $348 in pot

River 8s

Check. I bet $145 (I almost check but decide to go for thin value)

Villain pretty quickly makes it $425


I think it’s a fold. JJ or nada for villain it seems.

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You think villain check calls two streets on monotone flop with straight draws?

That was my first thought since the straight actually got there on the turn. I’m not seeing any made hands you can beat that villain would raise with except bluffs. Interested to see the results!

Snap call. I’d guess he had JxXs and pounced on a board changing card where you have very few reasonable boats.

In many rooms it’s an easy fold but apparently you live in a poker time machine so that’s what I woulda done in 2010

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I’m used to seeing almost no players at 1/3 check/raise bluff turn or river and most of the few that do being pretty obvious that they might do so.

Absent reads, this is usually an easy bet/fold on the river everywhere I’ve played. This hand history is actually kind of pointless without reads and seems more like non-strategic BBV garbage.

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I thought it through and couldn’t see him check calling a set on two streets given the flop and turn. It felt like a bluff so much. I decided to call and he showed AdJs. I do live in a poker time machine and it’s glorious! :grin:

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This is some high leveling trolling. well done.


Here is another hand from today to tell you how 2010 it is here.

Effective stack $550 I have $900

Two limpers, MP raise to $10. I am in SB and call with 45dd utg calls too as does other limper.

4 to flop wth $43 in pot

Flop A44rainbow

I check, utg is old lady who bets $25 folded to me I call. $93 in pot

Turn is Jh I bet $65 she calls pot is $223

River is 2c

I bet $190

She talks it out …

You can’t have a 4 in that position
Maybe aj
You can’t have 35
Ok I call

She shows A3o


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Still reading Bruce posts itt is a huge life leak. :grin:

Read: someone playing 1/3 live. That’s all you need unless you play in NBZ’s pool of the best 1/3 players on earth.

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My pool of 1/3 players is not good. They just don’t play big pots without strong hands and they trap a lot. Easy to beat if you commit to a style of winning small/medium pots and not trying to set up playing for stacks.

In 2010, it was a huge mistake against my local population to routinely bet or call a sizeable bet with one pair hands on the river.

What’s the EV of max late-regging a PKO with an overlay?

I mean it’s pretty hard to put villain on any real hand besides a slow played nut flush. At 1/3 nobody usually checks flop with a small flush, set, or 2 pair on a 3 diamond board.

At the same time the 1/3 games I’ve played are super weak passive and nobody ever bluffs that spot on the river and against a lot of villains I’d just shrug fold because they never bluff, especially a big river C/R.

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I’ve played in many a 1/3 game where no one bets that flop multi-way without a flush.

You play in the weirdest games. Most 1/3 I’ve played every made hand is firing hard on this flop because they’re deathly afraid of another diamond coming.

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Your logic in the first paragraph is the same I used but the n you say you would fold.

It’s an underbluff spot but I think it’s bluffed more than people check calling sets on flop and turn. I never see that.

I mean it’s read dependent, lots of people at 1/3 literally never ever bluff here! But against the non nits I’d make this call

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A lot of my local regs are very MUBS-y, which is sometimes justified because they also like to slow-play too much. Not so MUBS-y that you can blow them offhands, but MUBS-y enough that you can value-own yourself by betting too thin. Tourists come in and spew by trying to run over players who default to unwitting pot-control lines. It’s actually amusing to see a player go on tilt because he doesn’t understand how someone can check-call three streets with a set.

I bet more than most in my games on monotone flops, but I wouldn’t say I fire hard. I see draws in an opponent’s hand more as something to extract value from, so my bet-sizing is designed more to make them call incorrectly than to make them fold correctly, trusting my ability to cut down their implied odds by folding enough when they hit.

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