Poker Hands and Strategy

This was also not ran twice. TT7 flop. Guy pots 1.2K. Other guy (in the game 15K+. Massive fish) pots. Turn A. River blank. 678T scoops. Raiser never showed. Literally no idea what he has.

Obviously the lone 77xx combo makes the most sense, but also being A huge whale who knows.
Getting it in top boat v bottom otf is such a fun spot.

Much more likely to believe he had a wrap + fd. No clue though. Never played with him. Sometimes he has it.

new strat - 4b the first 3b every time I sit down at a table.

Hard to do at a 100bb table. Needs to be deep for that.

live yeah, online nah

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Thoughts on this hand last night in $200 live progressive MTT.

We are at final table with 9 left. 6 get paid. The players left are mostly good to very good players. Villain 1 and 2 are the best players with tons of local MTT success. I know them well and have played a lot with them. They are both very aggressive and know ICM.

Blinds $1k/$2k with $2k bba.

Hero in sb $210k ($130 bounty)
Villain on button $220k ($120 bounty)
Villain 2 in bb $200k ($180 bounty)

Folded to button who makes it $5.5k
Hero has 77. Reraise to $15k
Bb makes it $42k.
Button folds.
Hero calls.

Flop 862r

Hero checks.
Bb makes it $65k
Hero ships….

I’ll tell outcome after thoughts!

I don’t know how bounty tournaments work, do you get to keep the $180 bounty from the BB if you knock them out? Or do you get just $20 or something, and the rest of the bounty is added to your bounty total? That, plus the comparison of payouts for mincash up to winner to the bounty amount probably makes some difference.

I think pre is call the 5.5k, and as played, fold to the cold 4bet. As played, flop looks good to me.

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Don’t mind the 3bet vs an aggressive button, but vs the 4bet it’s just a clear fold. Second best option would be 5bet shove if you really think bb is full of it for some reason. Never call, it’s just too hard to play flops with this hand with shallow stacks vs a tight range.

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Seems like a fold preflop once you get 4bet…

This is what I was going to say before I forgot to reply.

It seems like a very high frequency resteal spot. Folding here seems way to weak and exploitable to me.

The bb easily has a resteal in his range. My thought was to call and check raise most flops as he is following up his resteal with a continuation bet 100% of the time.

How much restealing actually goes on in live $200 local tournaments? This close to the money, the number and size of short stacks matters.

Useful PLO video, especially if you think you have problems playing OOP multi-way. It points out a few things that feel counter-intuitive for players coming from holdem.

In a vacuum against a random player I never make this play but in this case both villains are well known to me and among the best players in my local pool. His resteal frequency is way higher than average for a tourney of this size.

The more I think about this hand the more I think I made the right play to maximize my chance of winning the tournament. It’s high variance for sure but I am pretty sure it’s the plus ev play.

I am also discounting pure ICM a bit too as a min cash isn’t really that important at this level. Given it’s a progressive bounty winning is even more important than normal.

A read of ‘well I know this villain perfectly’ was not in the post, and if that’s what it takes to support this line then you have to understand why other people aren’t a fan.

That info was in the op. :grinning:

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Results? You scooped, and took down the tournament?

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Oh right. lol. He had QQ I lost that hand but worked my stub back up to get 4th and cash for $1000

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Is this hand a cooler or am I PLO donk?

1/2/5 PLO I have 4k. I have AKQ4, I make it 20 in LP, button, SB, BB all call. Flop J44. I bet 60, call, the BB goes all in for 200. I call. SB calls. Turn K. I bet 300. Call. River Q. I bet 600. The SB shoves…(he covers me)