Poker Hands and Strategy

Feels like it should be a fold on the flop.

Have you played in Texas?

I assume on Texas you have a greater chance of facing an uncomfortable check-raise.

If I think button could possibly be overplaying his hand or have K10 here, I think I’m getting this in. If he’s really nitty then i might fold if there’s people deeper stacked still behind me. I’m also a bomb pot fish

Button had been fairly action and sun running up a 5K+ stack. Bomb pots are uncomfortable. Only the third session I’ve played with them.

Just scooped a bomb pot again. Turned 2 nut straights with second nut flush redraw on a board. Someone stabbed on turn, got called in 4 places, and I shipped.

I’m late to the party, but my wife and I were arguing about something similar just the other day. I think the correct answer is that “we” is more correct, but “us” is fine.

Consider the following responses to “Is it Trolly?”

  1. It is I
  2. It is me

The first one is more correct. In this case, “It” is the object pronoun, so you should use the subject pronoun, which would be “I”. However, “It is me” is so commonly used that most would consider it an informal but fine usage.

Now apply the same logic to “us” vs “we” and you have your answer.

This sort of thing comes up not infrequently. For example (this is the discussion my wife and I were having)

  1. He is taller than I.
  2. He is taller than me.

Most everyone says #2, but #1 is also correct.

Double board bomb pots are split pot games, so all the basic principles are the same as playing a game like PLO/8. You have to take a certain amount of care when you are strong one way and are very weak in the other direction, especially when you don’t have the nuts on your good board. People who funnel in a ton of money in that scenario are bomb pot fish. They don’t get punished as much when playing against other bomb pot fish, but they’re going to get wrecked against a lineup with some competent players.

He is taller than I am

That is also correct and helps illustrate why “He is taller than I” is not incorrect. It doesn’t make “He is taller than me” wrong. The reason is because “than” can be either a conjunction or a preposition in this case.

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Oh also I play holdem where there’s more total PLO fish, so it’s a much harder fold when you factor that in! But nice hits! Running hot in bomb pots is the best!

My ex and I used to have those debates too, right before, you know, all the hate fucking. I miss those days.

Unfortunately our grammar debates don’t really end that way. Maybe I’m doing it wrong.

Well, it sounds like your propositions could use some work.

I had my computer projected onto the tv last night and was playing while my kid watched. I went to snap fold QTo and he aksed me why I folded a hand that looked so good to him. I explained that QT and KT usually win small pots and lose big ones and they’re trap hands. A few hands later I flatted a 3x open from the HJ with 55 on the button, the SB squeezed, HJ called, and I jammed for ~100 big blinds. SB snap calls with KTo, HJ folds, and I flop a set, double up, and look like a goddam genius to my son.


Erm, well this doesn’t sound like a beat, and it sure as fuck isn’t a brag, so we’ll go with variance?

I would fold flop too and I’ve played a decent amount in that specific game (and some in that bomb pot every hand game you were talking about).

You have three outs to probably win on the bottom board if the river doesn’t pair or club. You have one out to the nuts on the top plus six outs to a decent hand that could still be beat. Any card between 7-A will make a straight possible and you’ll have to fold.

You’re almost never making it to showdown, you got one of the better turns and still had to fold. The pot is small and just not worth fighting for with a hand that has very little equity on one board and one nut out on the other. Plus, when you hit one of your “probably win” cards and people start piling money in, it becomes much more likely that they have the exact combos that beat you.

It would be a bit better if you were sitting at a NLHE table rather than PLO.

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Flopped a straight versus the fish and got 3 streets of value when he calls with top pair in a $2400 pot. That’s my biggest pot ever.


1/3/6 NL, very aggro game, I’m stuck, running into sets, kinda tilty, and have definitely been the most aggressive person at the table lately and I think I’m in a good spot to get hero called. I have 2200, villain covers. Mid position raises to 30. The button, BB, and I call in the straddle with A4o. Flop Ac Jd 4c. The original raiser checks, button bets 45, I c/r to 180, he calls. Turn 3d. I bet 425, he calls. River 5h. It’s about 1300 in the pot and I have 1550 or so.

check, small blocking bet, rip it in?!

I think bet $500 and fold to a shove. I just don’t think people want to ship missed diamonds or turn an ace into a bluff for 1.5 buyins if your image is such that you might be tilt-calling. Truly tough spot though, can see arguments for basically anything on the river.