Poker Hands and Strategy

Just lol come on. You have to be doing this on purpose. This can’t be a real hand history.

A true GTO strategy does no worse than break even and will win against some strategies. An exploitative strategy will win more than GTO against some opponents but can lose if appropriately counter-exploited.

I believe Bill Chen regrets using the term “optimal” because of the confusion it causes among laymen who can’t handle when technical jargon uses terms that overlap with everyday language.

Why can’t it be a real hand history?

I don’t even follow what the discussion in the last 40 posts here, but it would be cool if @Watevs posts here more (i mean unless it’s just to laugh at us)


Is Bovada Hand History always broken?

As I mentioned before, all your posts are actually lectures and not discussions. I have not seen you once acknowledge a post as helpful to you. I get that you are a lone wolf and extremely introvert, but it’s a shitty way to have discussions with people.

I find it insulting as someone who tried to give genuine answers to your “questions”. I don’t like to feel used as some tool for your upcoming Razz book.

It’s possible you have everything solved and us idiots have nothing to offer you, but don’t pretend to actually be interested in our opinions.


swear it’s like half the time at least

Sure, but he also said stuff like “I think it might be better to never raise preflop” and overlimped KKJ10 dbl with the intention of seeing a cheap flop etc which isnt right.

There are definitely PLO lineups where the fish like seeing flops for $5 not $20. You just still need to like, have a PFR above 0%.

I feel more often than not in PLO, there is either a whale or aggressive player who kind of controls the table through their VPIP. I would say I usually have the second or third highest VPIP/PFR in most lineups, but I’m playing off of that other player more often than not.

And I’ll definitely cut Bruce some slack for having a tough trip. Traveling and playing is tougher. You go from knowing everyone in your usual room, having hundreds of hours or more of history with most players to very little. When you step in your local room you know which game is the best the second you’re in the door. You’re having to scan chip stacks and the like when traveling.

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That makes sense.

Ignition’s was broken forever but I was able to access them last night for the first time in 5 or 6 months.

I mean, whatever you’re doing is clearly working for you. I just find it amusing how you dismiss aggressive players as “us[ing] to aggression as a heuristic that they have become incapable of imagining any other way of playing”. Sure there’s a bunch of really shitty aggressive players out there just as there are many, many more shitty passive players out there, but there’s plenty of smart aggressive players who are doing it for very valid reasons and are very successful.


If you know nothing about a player except they tend to be aggressive you would pick them over one that tends to be passive every time.

Double board bomb pot PLO, no idea what I’m doing, $20 each, 7 players, so $140 on the flop. $2000 stack

I have A Qd 9d 2

Flops 4 2 2 rainbow
3d 7d Jd

In mid position I bet 100 on the flop, 2 callers, BB (covers me) pots it to 540. Hero?

I am confused by Clovis’ post as well, it seems like a reasonable hand history to me. I haven’t played PLO that much though.

As a sidenote I lurk this thread but enjoy your posting here NBZ so I hope you won’t be discouraged by some of the reaction.

I would massively disagree with two things from that NBZ HH.

  1. It is not a fold otf. He is right the draws are not amazing and there aren’t many great turns for us.
  2. Sets are way more likely to CR then lead from the SB


If we are folding top pair, wrap and flush draw otf in the lowest limit games wtf are we playing?

People in this game will happily stack off with bottom two.

Even against a set with all the dead money it’s an obvious call evaluate.

Because you’re up against 5 other players with a shitty flush draw and QT can be out there so besides the offsuit 6, there isn’t much to be excited for.

First, don’t bet that, you’ve got an OK hand and a very weak draw, you have one nut out and will frequently be drawing dead/to quads. Calling a bet is fine here, but once it gets called twice and raised, you’re in bad shape.

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For the lead I’d still expect way more bad players with like, mediocre JJ10 type stuff than sets.

And for the dbl board pot I’d assume it’s a leak to bet without any nutted hand.
If I don’t have 42, 44, 22 or nut diamonds why bet?

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Sure. That’s why you call evaluate. So much talk itt assumes we are playing against a table full of Galfond’s.

Unless you guys are playing in WAY tougher plo games than me people will happily stack off with WAY less than the nuts. If we are playing nuts only plo we are leaving mountains of cash on the table at these limits.

It really seems like Bruce’s number one goal in poker is to minimize, at any cost to his bottom line, the number of tough decisions he has to make in a hand. Given we make all our profit by making better decisions than our opponents this is odd to me.