Poker Hands and Strategy

they thought you said TOP TOP

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Ignition $.05/$.10 NL

Hero has QsQd in the BB, folds to HJ who limps, folds to me and I check. Flop is JdKh3c. I check and HJ checks behind. Turn is the 6h. I bet half pot and HJ calls. River is the 5h. Action goes check-check. Villain takes it down with AdAs

wait a minute, is this a joke I’m not getting? Why didn’t you raise pre?


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damn dog nh

The table emptied shortly after that hand and I left up $8.50 or so. I’m still not sure how that happened.

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My PLO game has gotten even wilder lately. Many hands are $60-$90 preflop going 5 or 6 ways to flop. Easy to lose $700 bucks just calling pre and missing.

Seems like the right move isn’t to adjust my play or hand selection but to ensure my roll can handle the larger game.

Would you be changing your strategy here much given the game is somewhat shallower with say 2-3 players having less than $500 in these pots but a few having 2$k+?

If you are not sure your roll can handle the game, you can play tighter and buy in shorter.

Preflop hand selection is a dominant factor in winning in this sort of game. I would honestly never raise pre in this game because they will do it for you and pick hands to do some back-jamming.

To clarify, I would never put in the first raise and often not the second unless I can commit stacks.

5-5-(25) PLO
BB (3.5k) is new to the table and I’ve never played with him before, but my snap liveread is that he’s action.
STR (10k) has played somewhat aggro for the first raise preflop, especially out of the blinds, but has played solid and basically always just had it postflop. He is up a bunch.
I’m UTG with 4k and have not won a hand in about 3 hours, so I’m sure that I have a nitty image, but BB doesn’t know any of that.

I limp UTG with AT99ddd, couple limps, STR r 100, 4 ways to flop

Flop As9h6h (Pot 430)

BB leads 350, STR calls, I just call, figuring that I have position and there’s a ton of shitty turn cards that will put me in a bad spot.

Turn Kd (Pot 1480)

BB bets 1k, STR tankfolds, I rip it for 2k more, SB calls.

River is the 4h and I figure I’m dead but he mucks, no idea what he had

5-5-(25) PLO

UTG (2k) is very loose and buried for like 30 $500 buyins
MP (3.5k) is also buried and a bit drunk, she plays pretty LAG but doesn’t tend to give me much action because she thinks I’m a mega nit.
SB (covers) might be a good player, he always buys in for 20k, but he also really likes to gamble and has made it clear that he’s more interested in gambling than winning money at the moment.
I have 4.5k in the straddle with AA7Thhcc

UTG limps, MP pots to 110, 3 calls, I pot to 650ish, UTG calls, MP repots, SB calls, I jam, UTG folds, MP + SB call.

SB always runs it once and MP wants to do some RIT if one of us wins thing but I don’t want to deal with it so just say once.

MP has AA63ddss, I don’t know what SB has because the board runs out 77J7x for sweatless 13k scoop :money_mouth_face:


Live 2/5. Effective stacks are a bit over 400.

I open with A9o in the CO for 15. Unknown Asian male in his first hand defends the big blind. Since he has four blacks and a few reds, he obviously came from a table game after being colored up.

He donks for 20 on a AQ8r flop. I call. Originally wrote AQ9, but it was an 8)

Turn is a jack putting two hearts. I have the A :heart: . He bets 30. I call.

River is an offsuit 4. He bets 30.

Do I…
  • Snap call. No sense in raising.
  • Fold. I’m obviously beat.
  • Raise for value. He obviously has a worse ace.
  • Raise as a bluff. I can definitely get him off AK/AT and he might even fold two pair.

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Seems pretty standard r/f against a ranndom 2/5 player

I also am not sure why you dont raise the turn.

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Raising as a bluff or for value?

Lol wat

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Why am I raising?

And why not call for information against an unknown that you can use in future hands?

Because a 2-5 player who donks 20 and then bets 30 on the turn and 30 on the river is a moron who can call you with infinite combination of hands.

You obv know this, so why are you trolling?

Raise turn, play better.

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I really don’t see a reason to raise the turn.

Well i personally play to make money and raising A9 on AQ9J agaisnt a random that clearly has little understanding of the game makes me money

If you play for different reasons you can clearly pick different lines

Sorry, I miswrote that. It was an AQ8 flop.

lol okay that makes some sense


If I didn’t have the heart ace so I could rep the flush on a heart river, I might have raised the turn with a gutshot to go with my top pair.