Poker Hands and Strategy

As played, what are you representing that he beats? AT got there. 98 got there. Especially if he knows you think he’s a nit, then from his perspective, he only beats a bluff or an idiot.

Yea, you’re right, I was just thinking he was thinking I was getting spicy, which I had been doing a bit being a few drinks deep

Nits only play their hand. They don’t care if you’re being spicy.

people also just like to tank call. If they win they just won a lot of money so they are happy. If they lose they get the “i almost folded man i knew you had it” line. No downside.

98 is probably the only reasonable value hand

You are a puzzle.

lol ninja edit there

Yeah, I wasn’t paying attention.

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Maybe the 6 is the only thing that made him call.

The odds of calling really don’t change much with the tank time. He is always calling. Nits don’t actually make big folds.

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If a nit check-calls you on the turn there, you’re usually in trouble.

The amount of time it takes for him to call is just a question of how many times he wants to say “I’m beat” to himself before he says “I call”


Also how long it takes him to calculate how much he is down if he loses. There’s the whole ceremony of separating the calling amount from your stack.


Nits actually make big folds. I know one nit who has told me he’s not calling me with the nut flush on a paired board. So, I bluff him sometimes when I am sure he’s not pot controlling with a bad boat.

I was playing against this woman one time during a period where the casino was doing an hours-based promo. She open-folded a set on the flop when I jammed in on her, partly, I think because she wanted to make her hours.

Zeebo’s theorem does not hold for true nits. You just have to manipulate the pot size so they don’t feel pot committed.

I do wonder if a smaller river bet size gets him off of AK.

Ok you guys are pretty much right, once he calls the turn I should have shut it down, because he’s probably never calling AK on the river, and that’s the best hand I get value from

yes but he probably never expects worse than AT firing that river and if the player is as nitty as you say I wouldn’t have bet 9T on the river here but I wouldn’t flop raise this as that’s a pretty strong lead. FPS gonna FPS tho.

anyway what apps are available for US players these days Thinking about getting back in the game. (sigh again but I got nothing else) played some tournaments a week ago and I’m very good at getting like 10th-20th. Getting good at making the right fold that would’ve won a massive pot then rip.

edit–don’t mean like what’s available by state, like they let you play is fine.

The nit is the sort of player where you might make something like a 20% pot river value bet. Yu won’t level yourself into calling his raise because you think he is making a move against a bet that signals weakness. If you give great pot odds, nits can make crying calls.

also my software no longer works on iggy/bovada so I can only 4 table max combined, sad.

Yea, this is the problem with playing while drinking, getting bored and doing stupid stuff I have no business doing! I honestly thought he had AK though when he tanked lol. But whatever, I was running good overall and had a big stack :grin:

2/5 NL

Villain is an over-aggressive ex-jock who thinks I am a nit.

Villain opens on the button to 20. I defend in the BB with K :clubs: 3 :clubs:

Flop is 764 with two clubs, giving me the second nut flush draw, an over and a sucker end gutshot. I check. Villain bets 30. I call with the intention of check-raising the turn (or betting the river if he checks behind). Having played with this opponent a decent amount, I read him to be weak here and he has a high propensity to barrel the turn with air.

Turn is an offsuit queen. I check. He fires 80. I jam for around 300 effective.

Against this sort of player who respects me yet can’t resist firing again on the turn with too wide of a range, I like occasionally doing a delayed turn semibluff instead of jamming the flop with a strong draw.