Poker Hands and Strategy

I’m planning on starting to play 10-20 hours per week once the poker room Caesars is building here opens up. I’ve got a ton of free time at work I’m going to use to fine tune my game. Anyone have recommendations on resources? I signed up for a Crush Live Poker subscription which is decent. I was a winning tournament player back in the day and my cash experience comes from just gambling when traveling. Probably going to play 2-5/5-10 if I can beat it. Not interested in 1-2.

Don’t want to muck up the Vegas thread too much with strat talk, but I’m curious if anyone else has a quantitative definition of fold equity or they use it as a poker buzz word to justify aggression when they want to bet.

The From the Ground Up course on runitonce is pretty solid and it’s only $50. It’s geared towards 6 max online but the concepts mostly translate over to live play. It’s mostly basic concepts as well but it’s pretty well done if you’re looking to make sure you’ve got a solid foundation. It was great for me when I was getting back into playing online a couple of years ago after taking a long break. It also comes with 1 month of essential membership to RIO so you can comb through their videos and see what might be useful for you.

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If I ever write a poker psychology book, it’s going to have a chapter on exploiting players who exhibit toxic masculinity.


Be honest about your skill level. Spend at least a few hours every week studying or thinking over hands or something that leads to self improvement. Keep a healthy sleep schedule/diet. Use bankroll management.

Poker is easy if you follow that.

Interesting hand - especially to watch Jonathan bash his compadre’s play in real time


Not sure of the terminology but, we need to block continuing range when bluffing on flop and turn.
On the river we need to unblock his folding range.
This is why bluffing flushdraws is less than ideal ,we block his folding range on brick runouts.
If we only semibluff , we have no bluffs when the board gets there, etc.


Good video but the random text colors in the notes section drives me crazy. I spent 20 minutes trying to understand the methodology.


Not a poker hand, but an lol 10k stack on a Tuesday night at 2/5 at the Hard Rock Hollywood haha


Well done! What did you buy in for? Big hands?

the play was to color down to reds

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It was a drinky gambly table and I tilted a big macho dude by repopping to $150 all the time and running good post flop. Finished him off calling a $1k shove on a 5-6-8-9-5 board with ace high :rofl:

A drunk guy with about 20 purples in his pocket from baccarat also dusted off about 5k :grimacing:

I was in for only my initial $1,000 woop woop


Ha I know, that’s the real power move

The dream!

That’s a great feeling. Congrats!

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I took some inspiration and ran like god for a couple of hours at a very shallow 1-3 table

I covered the table combined at the end. Not as impressive but up 3k in a table with an avg stack of 200 (not including mine) requires some serious god mode


Making a whole bunch of full houses confirmed gto and best poker strat imo.

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I flopped quads and proceeded to check call check call until the guy had no more chips.

Optimal indeed


Double board PLO is ridiculously degenerate and fun.

5-5-10-20-(40) NLHE

V is a ~40s Asian guy who is very loose and does a ton of unorthodox shit that usually involves putting lots of money in the pot. It’s actually mostly worked pretty well for him other than open shoving 12k into a 2.5k pot with KK on T22 vs TT. One massive pot that he won involved betting 300 into ~2.5k, getting raised to 2700 and jamming 3k more on something like 255K7 and then showing 92 after the other guy long-tank-folded a king. He also has done some weird-ass minraise river bluffs that never work.

It’s a 5 way limped pot, I’m the $10 blind and V ($6k) is to my direct left. I have 33 and cover him.

Flop Js 7h 3s (Pot $200)

Checked to V who bets $100, folds to me, I raise to $400, V calls.

Turn Kh (Pot $1k)

I bet $1200, V calls.

River 8h (Pot $3.4k)

I bet $1420 to induce a bluffshove with about $3k effective behind. V tanks for a while, counts out a call, confirms that the minimum he can raise is double and eventually calls.

I very confidently flip over my set and get shown J2hh. V gets a sincere nice hand and I feel like I basically made $3k because I would have snapcalled. Some time after this hand, I learn that he started playing poker a week ago while his wife is on vacation and things start making more sense. He proceeds to keep running it back up until he 6bet shoves 600bbs with AQo into AA and breaks the game. Poker is confirmed dead.