Podcast Thread

Yea I’m sure it’s not lawyer pay but it seems like they’re doing alright. And he’s a pretty funny charismatic dude so I’m sure he could expand a bit

I’ve met a lot of in house corporate lawyers and it’s a pretty miserable job across the board. I meet the occasional well rounded person who becomes a company’s general counsel and just goes with the flow, but more commonly the in house counsel jobs are over worked and under resourced and majorly stressed out. Once a lawyer is in house on payroll, companies tend to just dump an insane amount of work on them because they don’t have the same “billable hours” problem they have if they go to external counsel. So much in house legal work is just soul crushing - the sales guy berates you for not approving an obviously stupid contract term because he wants his sale closed, the worst HR matters get referred to you long after the HR and management team has fucked the whole thing up beyond savings, etc.

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sean illing’s podcast (on Vox) is pretty great but this latest episode with Reza Aslan is excellent. Brutal takedown of white evangelicals, Sam Harris, and more, just absolutely cuts to the the essence of how trump was able to hijack the GOP etc. A+++

related: why do so many podcast platforms make it so fucking hard to link to a particular episode

Odd because Sam has been very vocal about hating Donald Trump and has lost quite a few connections with regular guests due to it.

yeah he’s not disagreeing with Sam on Trump being terrible, he’s disagreeing with Sam on his insanely dumb philosphy

So this interview makes the podcast redundant (at least for Peter’s part; but Rhianna’s story was mostly told on the earlier Twitter thread). If you read the interview, you can skip the podcast - the only things you miss are:

  • The opening: “Welcome to 5-to-4, where we dissect and analyze the Supreme Court cases that have terminated our civil liberties, like my boss terminated my employment.”
  • The fact that this firing prompted Peter to marry his already fiancee to get health insurance.
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jk, I don’t think I can actually listen to this

hardest of passes

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Kanye: Adidas won’t drop me for hating Jewish people

Adidas: correct

The thing is these three and low key great entertainers, in the good sense. Peter’s got an acid wit, Rhianna’s got a ton of heart, and Michael is the even keel strait man. Their political podcast has some great humor; Peter calling the a case where the jury was drinking alcohol in crazy excess and doing coke as the case of the world’s coolest jury was the latest that came to mind, but hearing them talking about their personal lives in the same entertaining fashion was good.

I guess I’m saying they’re actually entertaining as opposed to Amicus or Left Right and Center or something like that where they’re informative, but I could care less about the actual people doing the programs.

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Not going to lie, I’m laughing so hard right from the start. Within two minutes Kanye is saying that only engineering should be taught because it’s objective while history shouldn’t be, because it’s subjective and all things subjective bring down the species.

lol Kanye dissing himself there

Tom Segura: Who is the Steven Seagal of the US Senate? Like who fuckin’ sucks?
Al (instantly responds): Cruz. I have said I probably like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like Ted Cruz and I hate Ted Cruz.

Generally a funny podcast and interesting to hear some of the stories Franken had while in politics. Apparently Al is doing some standup and has a whole bit on Cruz in his act.

Al draws the map of the United States by memory in like 10 minutes too.

So crazy that a single photo got him booted out of politics while literal pedos and rapists are overlooked by Republicans.

He didn’t get booted over a single photo.

Idk what they were going for or who the fuck these people are on it but latest Chapo has to be the most unlistenable thing they’ve ever put out.


Might be their worst episode ever

The best and brightest of alternative media and their sock puppet Twitter accounts