Podcast Thread

I don’t know if other people ITT are taking some line similar to that, but imo in this specific type of case, it’s about the facts not being in dispute. Nobody, I don’t think, disputes that the slave labour occurred/is occurring. Nobody disputes Nestle’s knowledge or at least damning indifference to it, and if Nestle maintain that they stock and provision and are the sole customers of these plantations for reasons other than providing a veneer of removal from the slave labour, I doubt anyone treats it seriously.

As I understand it, the case hinges on the applicability of some law allowing petitioners to sue Americans in America for stuff they’ve done abroad. Maybe there’s some very important legal principle at stake here, protecting which could someday benefit a deserving person, but it doesn’t seem that way to me. It seems like a multinational that doesn’t want to face consequences for suborning if not outright practicing slave labour, and shithead BigLaw firms lining their pockets trying to help them do it.

In a criminal case as discussed, the person’s guilt is literally in question. Even in a murder unambiguously caught on tape, say, a defence lawyer could mount an insanity defence. The question of whether someone was medically not responsible for their actions is an important consideration! There’s no version of that here. It’s just a question of: can Nestle be made to face consequences for this, or can they not? Even if their case seems clearly winnable to you, you can still expect to be judged for trying to do so. Slavery, yo.

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Crossover episode of Decoding the Gurus with one of the hosts of Very Bad Wizards, mostly focused on the Weinstein Bros.

Another excellent chapo episode Their sweet spot really is issues where they can be both contrarian assholes and obviously correct.

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Yup. I shouldn’t be shocked I guess.

I mean at this point he should just go full-on Alex Jones conspiracy nut rather than pretend to have any kind of intellectual curiosity.

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If he pulls through the horse dewormer is going to sell out.


does he do his own research?


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Wonder if he invested in the drug manufacturer’s stock beforehand.

what are the chances that he’s ACTUALLY eating horse paste

That Joe Rogan is in the camp of “can’t afford to say he’s been vaccinated to his audience and is maybe legit dumb enough to not be”…

A. Should be of absolutely no surprise to anyone remotely on the left who’s paid any attention to him.


B. Demonstrates as much as anything the degree to which WAAF as Americans. Rogan may be difficult to pinpoint when it comes to the exact specifications of his politics but he is firmly entrenched in a position where courting right-wing nuts (or not agitating them on certain issues) is at or near top of the agenda.

I was in Taiwan for over a month of the first semi-lockdown there (no dining in restaurants, no gatherings, need to scan a code to enter stores, no baseball) and while of course restaurant owners in cities with no cases were annoyed etc…the overwhelming sentiment I’d hear just conversing with people was “we’ll all get through this together”.

I’ve been in the US for two months now and I have not heard that sentiment expressed by anyone besides my mom while the situation here is roughly 1000x worse.

(I recognize the mere tangential relevance of this rant)


It was like for the first few months in the Czech Republic as well.

Then we had an official we beat covid summer buffet (kind of the Mission Accomplished moment for the PM here) and enjoyed the summer. Then the second wave came. People got pissed and stopped giving a fuck about most restrictions.

Lol putting Joe Rogan on higher intellectual ground than the rest of the high in their own supply COVID talk show death wishers

He’s going to be even more insufferable when his show starts. Oh I got COVID and I treated it by eating elk meat in a sauna with a chimp while high on DMT. COVID lasted a day.


But he said once that he liked Bernie Sanders. So he’s actually good!

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Chapo is back. Hilarious.

I’m with them in very much enjoying the “UK throws a tantrum” subplot of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

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Candace Owens freaking out over being refused a COVID test is gonna be gold for their Thursday episode.

It is laughable. As much as Americans don’t want to admit their empire is falling apart imagine how much more pathetic is it for a Brit to still think their country is relevant internationally.

Klein’s newest podcast episode is going to hurt some people’s brains.