Podcast Thread

Can someone point me to the best chapo in the last month or so? Gonna give it another shot.

Kinda tired of this story but still quality content. Can’t wait till he moves on.

I’m really hoping he does Tamerlane soon but the next one won’t be a series so big sad. He needs to start doing his big wishlist stuff because I feel the topics haven’t been the best lately

The poppy Bush one was decent.


The American Civil War is notably absent from his catalogue, I really wish he’d do that sometime

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Fellow Amberphobes, don’t be put off when you hear her on the latest ep, she’s fine. Don’t remember her interrupting and talking over someone even once. Ep is a review of Hillbilly Elegy the movie with the guys from Trillbilly, it’s not hilarious or anything but entertaining. Trillbilly guys were pretty good, giving their podcast a shot now. Movie sounds awful.

Yeah from memory Disco 2020 (also a premium ep) was pretty good as well but idk, they all blend together. Find one that’s just Will, Matt, Felix, it’s not like I mind Virgil or even Amber when she’s a bit more subdued but the original three have the best dynamic.

Oh I can do this, I know I’m Strayan but I know lots about it, here we go:

So there was slavery and then Lincoln gave a speech at a place called Gettysburg, which I think is in Pennsylvania or somewhere, where he said they were going to end slavery, the South was like no way and there was a war. Lincoln was a Republican but I don’t think the Democrats were a thing back then so the opposition was someone else, idk who. I guess the Whigs or something. They were a party at some point so maybe it was them. There was a guy called Robert E. Lee on the side of the South (also called the Confederacy) and a guy called Ulysses S. Grant in the North (the Union) who was fighting for abolition even though he owned a fucking slave. There were more guys I guess but those were the main guys. Anyway the North ended up winning. Also Lincoln got shot on a train at some point by a guy called John Wilkes Booth I think, but idk if that was during the war or after it or what.

Anyway there’s probably more to it than that but there’s enough to get you started. You’re welcome.


As another informed foreigner I can step in and say he was actually shot in a Theatre, and was heard to say, “frankly my dear I don’t give a damn” as he died. Other than that looks accurate.


Oh right it was a theatre wasn’t it. There’s that whole “but how was the play Mrs Lincoln” thing. Honest mistake, my post was a genuine attempt to lay down my complete understanding of the Civil War. What am I thinking of? Someone got shot on a train.

No, nothing, sorry. If it’s stumping us then I think we’ll need an academic or something.

I think Garfield got shot in a subway station or something?

I sort of assume DC’s never felt the need to do the Civil War because the Ken Burns doc is already pitched at the exact level Carlin works on and is fairly exhaustive. I imagine it seems redundant.

Pretty stoked that Gettysburg is actually in Pennsylvania though. Pretty amazing depth of knowledge.

Edit: Actually I think I may have passed through Gettysburg in 2006. Not 100% sure but I was on a tour thing and we were enroute from DC to Niagara Falls, so it would make sense.

Correction, he was shot in a theater, not a theatre, whatever the fuck that is.


Poppy bush as in episode 471 poppy part 1?

Correction: it’s a theatre :slight_smile:

ETA: Fun fact that there is another venue in DC called the Lincoln Theatre, which I imagine has confused a few tourists over the years.


I will see myself out

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By far the best part of this is that the Gettysburg Address somehow occurs before the war starts.

You probably already know this, but my favorite bit of DC trivia is that the boardinghouse where the Lincoln assassins stayed is now a Chinese restaurant. I’ve been in there for lunch.


Yes it was James Garfield that got shot at a train station (in broad daylight, around hundreds of people)

Also the Gettysburg Address wasn’t really about slavery, it was more like OMG all these people just died, can this American Democracy Experiment actually endure

The Emancipation Proclamation came in 1862 after the Battle of Antietam, which nominally freed the slaves in Southern-held states. While it didn’t actually do that in Confederate-held territory, it advanced the cause of freeing slaves as an objective of the war. Gettysburg was a year later, and was pretty much where Lee would forever lose The Initiative in the conflict.

There’s all sorts of military history and tactics nerd stuff about this war that I think Carlin would do well. At the Battle of Chancellorsville (one of many battles where the Union commander was a placeholder for a guy who’d eventually lose his job as he proved his incompetence for getting men killed), Lee was outnumbered 2:1. He divided his forces, which you shouldn’t do if you’re at a numerical disadvantage, and basically pulled Hooker’s pants down anyway. Hooker was fired shortly thereafter.

Until the siege of Jamestown at the end, Lee never lost a battle on Virginian soil.