Podcast Thread

If it’s for your phone then Pocket Casts is a good one.


Really like pocket casts. Think I may have paid $5 once.

They unfortunately moved away from the low one time payment and went to a monthly/yearly subscription. I got grandfathered in because I did pay for the Pro version back in the day. The only real benefit from the subscription is being able to play pocket casts in a web browser.

I use Podcast Addict on my android and it gets the job done

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Was listening to a podcast and the host mentioned he had Annie duke on a previous episode and I immediately paused the show, unfollowed and deleted all episodes of what I was listening to.

And then I wondered how many podcasts has she been on? All of them, apparently…


I hate this. Just switched back to the Apple default app and it suuuuucks.

Anyway, I just finished S1 of the History of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Unless you’re a huge fan of the show, and if you’re not you probably wouldn’t bother anyway, I don’t think I would recommend it really. It’s hosted by Jeff Garlin and Susie Essman. They are completely opposite of the characters they portray on the show; Susie is great, while Jeff ranges from overbearing to completely unbearable at times. He interrupts constantantly, a point not lost on many reviewers as well, and rambles on about shit that doesn’t matter and no one cares about, nearly ruining the episodes. They’ve had a few guests from S1 of the show. Several times I caught him jumping in to ask the guest a question right in the middle of Susie’s own question. It gets tiresome. In fact, if you listened to “Talking Sopranos” with Michael Imperioli and Steve Schirripa, he’s the Steve of this one.

The other one I’ve been on is Senses Working Overtime with David Cross. If you’re a Mr. Show/Arrested Development/that type of comedy fan generally, you will probably find this one funny and interesting. He has excellent guests, mostly, and shares a lot about his career and time on the road (he still tours). This stuff is pretty good. Like most (imo anyway) once he starts talking about his kid and personal life it’s meh whatever. For me, though, the best episodes are the ones where he and his guest are just doing comedy and staying with bits the entire time. An uninitiated ear might not be sure what level they are on. These episodes would include the one with Bob Odenkirk (duh), Fred Armisen, and Jo Firestone. Jason Bateman as well to some extent. ETA: Also if you don’t know, he’s married to Amber Tamblyn, daughter of Russ Tamblyn (from Twin Peaks and a shitload of other things), and does one episode interviewing her. I think he’s gonna try to get Russ on too but he’s pretty old now so I dunno if they will make it happen.

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She was a world champion after all.

She said yes when no one asked.


Matt Levine/Money Stuff has a new weekly podcast called, appropriately Money Stuff: The Podcast. Available to subscribe right now, first episode out tomorrow.


I was kind of critical of the “If Books Could Kill” podcast when it started but I feel like they found their voice. Their most recent Patreon exclusive “Eric Adams vs Bail Reform” has nothing to do with any book, its Peter wanting to rant about cop and media opposition to bail reform and cop propaganda more broadly. Definitely recommend it (although it is guaranteed to make you super mad) and think that their Patreon content has been generally better than the main eps.


I can’t with that show. The premise is so badly designed having one not even read the book. No idea why they think ignorance of the very topic at hand somehow adds to the discourse.

The recent episode of If Books Could Kill might be the worst yet. It’s just wall to wall “I am proud to know nothing about the subject” but here are my strong opinions and a series of bad jokes.

It’s about Going Infinite.

Well if that grinds your gears, just wait till you find out about internet forums!


This is a tough spot. I thought Going Infinite was pretty bad, but I also get super frustrated by bad criticism. Not sure where I’m going to end up, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be an unpleasant listening experience regardless.

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I think 98% of the critical writing of Going Infinite pretends that he wasn’t in the middle of writing the book when all the shit went down. Its tonal stuff is a direct result of that.

Maybe he should have scrapped the book and started from scratch but not doing that the tonal stuff seems totally understandable. The critiques are almost entirely based on knowing the future as if everyone knew he was a fraud from the start instead of the truth that he was widely revered in the media before the blow up and Lewis had no reason not to treat him like the genius everyone else thought he was.

It’s a snark podcast about dumb books. If that’s not for you, don’t listen and rail against the entire setup of the show.

I don’t know what you expect from them.

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You should listen to I Don’t Even Own a Television instead.


This is a good podcast.

Conspirituality, on the intersection on conspiracy theories and woo. 200+ episodes so far.

Have you read Fantasyland? The gist is that America has been wacky and culty since the beginning. It’s interesting.

Na, I’ll look into it. Just finished Perlstine’s Nixonland and am starting The Invisible Bridge about the fall of Nixon and rise of Reagan. My only concern is that it sounds like the thesis of Fantasyland could apply everywhere. Ie, most of human history is just crazy ideas and more crazy ideas with bits of slightly less crazy science and philosophy here and there.

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