Podcast Thread

It’s a couple dudes riffing on NYT bestsellers only one of them reads. You’re expecting an awful lot of intellectual rigor from a podcast you already don’t think very highly of.

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I am because I really like both hosts other shows but the difference there was they were experts. Here they clearly are not.

Latest Michael and Us is worth a listen. It’s a review an uber-popular evangelical movie that kind of ends up being a window into the way that evangelicals view intellectual liberals and non-believers in general. Also amazing how nonsensical the movie is but how much money it ultimately made.

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Fique brings the SigniFIRE


The first episode of the ‘Behind the Bastards’ series on Vince McMahon just dropped. It’s going to be a doozy.

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6 parter is insane. It’s more than Kissinger lol. @eyebooger @CanadaMatt3004 you guys will enjoy the first episode. Fritz Von Erich was an all time horrible person.

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You guys follow the MeidasTouch Podcast ?

I’m diggin it lol

:cry: that family is like if the entire sport of pro wrestling was a single family

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Dark Side of the Ring season 4 starts airing May 30th. Good time for pro wrestling material

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New podcast on Elon’s takeover of Twitter is out:

4 episodes so far. Haven’t listened to it yet, but it’s queued up for when I go running.

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Whoever recommended Fly on the Wall thank you, I’m loving it.

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Just listened to Ep 2 of IBCK on Nudge. Nothing unexpected. Some more examples of how the application of the idea is just disguised libertarianism, a reference to the notion that implementing small nudges may absorb political capital that could otherwise be used on substantive change, and mention of an actual academic that Michael interviewed as part of this episode who has been debunking the book.

I still feel the same way as before: it’s entertainment with a little bit of substance, and I now respect that book, it’s ideas, and it’s authors a little less.


He calls Thaler a pop scientist. It’s absolute trash.

They’re more directly critical of Sunstein, but it is also pretty clearly a pop science book.

I feel a bit awkward posting about this episode because I feel the book is more substantive than much of what they’ve covered and I haven’t read it.

What I’ll say is that it feels depressing. We have issues that can be made better by spending resources–both political and/or “real”–but we’re in a place where that isn’t feasible. So hey, let’s encourage people to sign away the right to sue doctors for medical malpractice to benefit 99.9999% of patients by the smallest of margins while absolutely fucking over the 0.0001% who find themselves deserving of a significant settlement. Like that’s the best we can do and it’s brilliant.

If the book indeed presents that as a “nudge” as they’ve defined it, it’s indefensible.


I read the book ~10 years ago and was influenced by it during my Libertarian-ish phase so maybe that’s why that critique resonates so well with me.

I still think there are valuable insights about human behavior here but my god that medmal section and the school choice section were both absolutely baffling as applications of the core ideas of the book and really undermine it as a book.

I listened to both episodes and found them fairly compelling. I’m finding Clovis reaction pretty over the top.

It’s posts like this that justify me keeping this one my phone:
