Please Apply the Rules Fairly

and good lord now i probably have to explain why i think a backup probably exists - yea, i have like 15 laptops and several cloud accounts, and generally if you’re the sole admin of something like a fkn website you’re gonna keep at least a few backups around, if this was an actual job and not literally a volunteer thing it’d be kind of bad practice to keep it on a personal local disk or cloud drive, sure, but it’s very common to do and the fact it may be out there should not be surprising, scary, or new news to anyone.

reason this is good practice is someone can accidentally delete the cloud account backups or the account itself and you want a way to restore everything to some snapshot if you have to. I think I had even automated it, i honestly cant remember.

I pm’d to you a screenshot of a public github account I believed you owned.that i also did not share with anyone else, btw. that was the entire content of the message. which, was after months of repeated attacks like the one you literally just got modded for:

this has been goin on for a while, it is quite severe and persistent from you across multiple sites now. I’ve stated I want to be left alone, and that I am leaving you alone, that seems perfectly fair and I’m not sure what you want me to do. I shouldnt have sent that PM, which I already acknowledged you dont deserve. I havent done anything to you in starting to post here again, and you’ve been consistently the aggressor in these exchanges. Again, I dont really know what you’d like me to do here.

btw you’re lying again. I didnt get perm’d from 2p2 from the PM, which you WELL know. I got an embarrassingly short 24h ban which you went into full blown histrionics about. After the harassment continued, I decided it’d be best if I left that site so I requested a perma from a mod friend of mine. want me to prove it, or keep lying about it?

oh gee wow if there wasn’t a way to immediately prove you’re full of shit as always

I never had an issue with jmakin. If he is gone as a result of a self-ban, then he should be within his right to request to be unbanned and I feel that mods should welcome him back without a special vote.

Not exactly sure why you felt the need to threaten the forum though. I mean you’d probably be let in without it (and contrary to what you say, it is a threat).

what, IYO, am I threatening? to re-deploy the site from a backup im not even entirely sure exists? that isn’t a threat, there’s no conditions attached to it, I’m explicitly telling you I have no plan on doing that whatsoever, I dont even know what I’d be trying to accomplish with it? who does it even threaten and why? I’m letting you know that this entire discussion is a bit silly and you should just formalize the process finally. There are absolutely no components of a threat there, lol.

Here is the About Moderation post detailing the pema’d of jmakin’s second account back in January. If you want to debate that ban and say it should be reversed, fine, but given the rules are clear, I don’t see how I have a choice regarding his current status. I’ll abide by whatever the forum decides, but I’m going to follow the rules:

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like ok I feel bad because I think there’s an actual learning disability involved here and nothing malicious going on, maybe, but you literally just posted this:

which is completely and totally untrue. sorry you’re having difficulty keeping your story straight here.

The whole paragraph made no sense. It served no purpose other than to obscure what to me should be a formality rather than something to discuss.

ok, i apologize for that, like i said i just learned i have ASD and i have trouble communicating things appropriately sometimes, especially in a written/unformal medium like this.

lots of things you post can be read either way - like how i oscillate in your posts from being a deranged, unstable, dangerous, machiavellian hacker, to being a complete fraud that somehow faked a decade+ of very personal descriptions of mental health issues to “hide” from frankly what are quite silly accusations in the first place. man the cognitive dissonance in your head must be rough.

this is becoming a bit distressing again so im peacing. sorry for causing any disturbance and i wish no ill will on anyone. if the powers that be have decided this is fair and necessary and it’s the community’s will, so be it, you can have your little dumpster fire.

bye, again, sorry for any trouble.

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oh sorry one last btw before this inevitably gets nuked, FOOD FOR THOUGHT FROM YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD DISGRACED ADMIN:

mods can read pm’s. if another mod flags a PM, until that flag is dealt with, everyone on staff can read it. Given that there were some rather… unscrupulous mods in the recent-ish past that were very willing to abuse their powers, not gonna name names here, you might uhh, want to encrypt your PM’s. it just takes one person flagging a PM and boom everyone on staff can read it.

What’s your health issue?

Lol, Senor “Let’s not permaban anyone” Keeed all aboard the permaban train when it’s not a captain.

Jmakin was never permabanned. Keeed, if you want him permabanned, I suggest you start an RFC just like one was created for Churchill. Then you and all of the anti perma-ban captains can come back in to vote for a permaban.

He was - read the thread. I’ve posted the link to when he was perma’d.

He was permabanned via an RFC process and/or community poll, or some mod just nuked his gimmick account?

Jman, excellent posts. Thank you for your contributions

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Good point! The rules say that a self-banned user can request to be unbanned. @JonnyA sure seems like Jmakin wants his main account unbanned. You should go ahead and do that, and then Keeed can feel free to start a poll to ban him.

it’s fairly complicated and all intertwined, I have had IBS/Crohn’s for a very long time. I get malnourished quite easily, as I’ve stated before I struggle with what I’ve learned is essentially untreatable chronic depression.

back in feb I had a pretty gnarly series of events happen and got very ill, physically and mentally. my body started shutting down from what was a fucking sinus infection at first. It just wouldnt go away, and the main symptoms had even passed for a while, but weird crap started happening like increasingly confusing memory issues, total lapses, hard to explain stuff, like I’d be forgetting my address and crap.

well i go get a cat scan and it was scary because it lit up and they thought maybe massive meningioma. it wasnt that, the sinus infection had spread throughout my brain (aided by a severe vitamin D3 deficiency) all the way to my brain stem. They gave me the nuclear option antibiotics that are typically used to treat crap like plague and TB, because it’s a little dangerous and can cause nerve damage among a ton of other crap.

Well, that worked fine i think, but I did get nerve damage in random areas in my legs. whatever i’ll live. the hard thing though has been due to my osteoarthritis and some other genetic condition that is requiring me to have a full knee replacement at 33 (still pending, thanks covid) that causes me debilitating pain even on most days, the side effect of this one antibiotic is that it tricks your immune system into attacking joints/tendons sometimes. so now i get a new level of pain that i dont know when it will end that isnt really treatable. i cant and wont take pain meds.

on top of all this, still the severe depression, even moving around most days is very difficult, keeping on weight has been hard, sleep has been rough, this stupid infection even spread into an abscessed tooth and eventually my jaw, which required 10k+ of treatment to correct.

everything’s kinda rough and horrible right now so I am definitely not trying to start crap, believe me, i just found it a bit helpful to post in some pet topics i like, but now it’s clear i cant do that so i will not.


Please volunteer for the next mod rotation

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