Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

It’s both. A lot of those jobs are present because of consumer demand in our economy. Consumer demand is present because people have money in their pockets. If we keep individuals afloat with money in their pocket, the demand will be present when we try to get things going again, and it’ll be much more likely that businesses re-open and re-hire people quickly.

Took the profits on this after a gain of nearly 9%.

Some type of bill is going to pass soon, and I don’t want to pretend to know how the market will react.

If it’s a shitty bill and the market goes wild temporarily because it doesn’t know that it’s shitty, I’ll probably buy this again.

Which ETF? Want to research some bear ETFs and keep them in mind. Is it leveraged?

I bought DXD. Basically goes up by negative 2x how the DJIA moves.

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To be clear, I don’t do this sort of stuff normally. But I can certainly identify this as a black swan event much better than the general public (in no small part because of this and the general COVID-19 threads).


At a little over 60/40 stocks/bonds at the moment and going to move about 10% over to stocks at close today. This stimulus bill will get done whether it be tomorrow or 3 days from now. And if $2 trillion before shit really starts to go down doesn’t do anything then WAAF.

To be clear, I’m not convinced that we aren’t all fucked. But if WAAF then the allocation of my retirement account doesn’t really matter anyway.

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If we get some kind of stupid rally this week I might be tempted to do similar. Weekend seems to always bring bad news.

this is why i’m 100% stocks no matter what. at least then i have the most money longterm in non-WAAF cases

Futures up 3%, presumably on news Trump wants to end all this bullshit, let people die and get the economy going again, despite a complete lack of authority to do so.

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Well my wife just texted and told me she moved her entire 401k into a government bond fund. She just lost a shit ton of money.

Yeah you never want to be the last one to panic.

If NYC hospitals get overrun I think there’s one more big wave of selling panic, but it might take a week or two. I’m not jumping back in yet.

We are 25 years from retirement. There is zero reason for her to be speculating with her 401k

It’s a fight or flight response. Lots of people have it when you give them a steady stream of info about crashing markets.


Question from a finance lay-person: If I had a good sized chunk of credit card debt that I wanted to consolidate into a low interest loan, would it be a better idea to do it now, or wait several months for more market fallout?

Based on this article from last week interest rates probably aren’t going to lower by much in the future.

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Ok I’m back in the market. I don’t understand what’s happening in Washington St. but it seems like there’s a reasonable chance this isn’t going to turn into Italy in major US cities except NYC. The Bay Area seems to be flattening out. I’m convinced warmer weather plays a role.

If NYC can get through w/o ventilator shortages then I see the market shooting up instead of going down. I don’t want to risk being out of the market if that happens.

Assuming I hold and we get back to old highs someday I’ll end up up like $50k from if I just bought and held. This thing roaring back in the fall scares me though.

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Can you guys all sell so I can root for it to go down


Paging all the market timing experts today


Yeah I’m terribly upset that I moved to 50:50 at Dow 29,5000 with this roaring market near Dow 20,000. You got me.

(And anyway I already moved to 60:40 at Dow 24,000. I will buy more somewhere under Dow 18,000 or just happily hold here if we somehow reached a bottom, which I doubt.)



“At a little over 60/40 stocks/bonds at the moment and going to move about 10% over to stocks at close today. This stimulus bill will get done whether it be tomorrow or 3 days from now. And if $2 trillion before shit really starts to go down doesn’t do anything then WAAF.

To be clear, I’m not convinced that we aren’t all fucked. But if WAAF then the allocation of my retirement account doesn’t really matter anyway.”