Perfectly Reasonable Responses

In the style of Ask Ashley, you offer unhinged responses to perfectly reasonable questions.

Ask Ashley is a sketch starring Ashley giving advice. She gets incredibly angry when she reads letters that ask stupid questions, which is essentially every question she receives.

Sample questions for you to answer.

  1. How do I turn a peanut butter sandwich over?
  2. I’ve tried walking around my home at night in the dark but keep running into things. What should I do?
  3. How can I get a letter to you?
  4. How do I rewind my DVD by hand?
  5. I’m worried that if I jump out of the second story window, I’ll break my legs. How do I avoid such injuries when leaving the house?

Wow, she was a talented kid.

I wish every time she said stinkin’ she just ripped f-bombs.

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so how did that work out for her?

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Well Yuv, now that you ask, I can’t help but remember how easy it is to google stuff. Like, so easy I’m going to do that for you but keep the results to myself.

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Why do you ask so much of us Risky?

The real question is why you ask so little of me.

All That had some really talented people on it.

Left Eye from TLC sung the intro song.

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You’re uncommonly good at this modern day internet thing.

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