Other state capitals January 16-20

Everybody be safe.

Armed chuds seem to be posing as law enforcement in front of my apartment

I’m almost a mile from the state capitol building

Richmond, VA


Stay safe


I’m not sure I expect big attacks on other capitals. I expect most states to beef up security bigly. I know cops are apart of it, but they probably don’t like looking like shit either or the fact that one of their own was killed so I expect a handful of the crazies to join or w/e but for the most part them be more ready to resist. and I think the huge PR backlash and Trump throwing them under the bus etc has really slowed the movement down.

At least on the pro trump sites which were super for this before hand, have now basically gone silent with the occasional blaming of antifa etc.

I expect more random acts of violence in the long term. Mass shootings, bombings etc. Not mass organized attacks like before.

I’m confused. The militia that wants to lynch Mike Pence is guarding an old money GOP establishment from leftist attacks that are in no way imminent or likely? Is that what’s going on?

I hope word on the street is that everybody should stay the heck home for the next several days.


Just be ultra careful taking photos of those bastards.


Utah Capitol protest expected Sunday with ~100 people estimated to show up, down from ~1000. The building itself is closed. Gov has declared state of emergency. Highway Patrol, SLCPD, and Utah National Guard on standby. Numbers are down because most of the usual armed RW groups are telling their people to stay away. The organisers are calling themselves “We are not the enemy” (Boogaloo boys).

I walk by most days but I’ll probably avoid the Capitol step area tomorrow.



I think the DC insurrection was a reminder to cops all over the country that participating could cost them their cushy job.

Small crew in Utah. Most apparently got the fuck around find out message. Some of their demands seem reasonable, ha.

one is using a bullhorn, saying "To be clear, we do not support keeping the dictator Donald Trump in office.”

Twitter thread with stuff going on around the country today. Not much in most places


Thankful that there are a total of 18 posts itt so far.

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That’s the saddest thing I’ve read all day.




Walked past Utah State Capitol about an hour after end of Trump era. Police and National Guard in view but relaxed. I counted three (3) Trumpers with flags and signs. Sad.

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