Opinion: Underground bunkers won’t turnout the way the buyer planned

Look, I was a zombie on The Walking Dead, so I can speak as an expert on this. There will be plenty of gasoline years into an apocalypse, so our cars should be good to go.



I think it might take decades or even generations to get to that level of civilization. There will be some dark times in between imo. People will start starving and get desperate as soon as the existing food supply runs out. Growing new food will take time and stability.

The US isn’t set up to handle 300 million hunter-gatherers. That’s a lot of mass starvation before the population stabilizes to something the land can support without large-scale farming and factory meat production.

The people who do the best will probably be the ones who get a large portion of their calories from the ocean, assuming we don’t fuck those up too.

Think about every zombie movie where they’re scrounging for twinkies. Like 99.999% of the population is already dead or zombies by that point.

On a positive note the feral hog problem will finally be solved.

I assume youre talking about after the collapse because i feel that if we are still using governing bodies to distribute apple phones to people and using tesla parts for solar products then society is already doing better than certain parts of the world today

But that kind of assumes the conclusion.

My thesis is that no matter what happens to the world, there will be large social organisations.

Whatever social organisations exist will continue to use the abundance of modern technology that is lying around ready to use/reconfigure

It’s a weird assumption that guns and radios work, but solar and mobile phones and batteries and laptops dont.

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Yeah. As people starve, there will be big social organisations doing a lot of the brutalizing, and they will have mobile phones and solar power.

No matter the scenario, social cooperation and technology continue to be useful

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I would agree that the tech would still be used. I think that those doing the “social cooperation” are going to be the Dod with the use of the military. If we have a collapse that kills half the population, i would imagine it would them. If 99.99% of the population ends uo dying, it would the billionaires who went directly to their multi million dollar purchased underground stadiums.

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Keep in mind that Americans went into kill-or-be-killed mode when the toilet paper ran out.

North Korea has 30-40 nukes.

Only Russia and the USA have enough nukes to kill ~everyone.

I feel like in the best-case scenario (and probably most of the serious preppers know this), a well-hidden bunker would help you and a few of your family, at best, live in semi-comfortable, stable misery for a couple of years, in the hopes you can then open the hatch and see that the very worst of the looting and raping and murdering is over, and there’s some semi-functional proto-society that you can then join.

And if not, then you get raped and murdered and maybe eaten pretty quick, but hey at least you got a couple of extra years in.

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A couple years of screaming at your family in a 6x12’ room.


Sounds like much of the last 50 years.


FWIW if it looks like the shit is about to really hit the fan, I’m running away to rural Nicaragua and try to establish some relations with the local farmers. Those guys have been living communally and looking out for each other for centuries, with only the thinnest veneer of govt to keep things in check.

They’re dirt poor, so there’s not much to steal except food. Hopefully the army raids their crops every now and then but otherwise leaves them alone.

And they’re decent people. The farmers looked out for me when I had to face down student revolutionaries armed with homemade rocket launchers to get out of Nicaragua.

The former lol

Vault 43: Populated with 20 men, 10 woman, and 1 panther. :vince1:

Vault 68: Populated by 999 men and only 1 woman. :harold:

Vault 69: Populated by 999 woman and only 1 man. :vince3:

Vault 114 (Fallout 4): Was going to house Boston politicians and other wealthy elites were to live in a lifestyle experienced by those in extreme poverty. :vince4:

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There’s a sort of recent post apocalypse novel called Manhunt in which a virus turns you into a zombie, but only if you have enough testosterone to grow back hair.

JK Rowling gets name checked as hiding out up in her castle with a bunch of other cis women, and everyone thinks it’s fine, but then one of the cis girls has PCOS (a lot of women with PCOS are actually intersex) and oops turns into a monster. The castle eventually catches fire and collapses on everyone inside.

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I remember sitting behind this girl in 8th grade with swirling back hair. I guess she’d be a zombie. I think it was that age though when hormones are going haywire and everyone looks awkward. So as an adult maybe she lost the back hair somehow.

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These are the guys we’re going to need in the post-apocalypse.