On Welfare, And The People Who Receive It

I spent my weekend donating $20s and $50s in the name of racists trolling the chat in a Dead replay stream. LOL at crazy neighbors making you reconsider your life and switching to mooching because they have it so good.

I also broke my leg long ago before I was making legitimate money and relatives were in situations where they couldnā€™t help me. I was on food stamps for 6 months. I had to give tax returns, bank statements, retirement accounts, etc. for like a year or two previously to prove I wasnā€™t just mooching. As a business owner I didnā€™t even qualify for welfare.

Wait, what? LOOOOL.

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Hartz IV pays 432ā‚¬/month plus rent and heating.

I think there is some lost in translation stuff going on now

No, 1200-1300 of your money combines with other peoples money taxed, and goes to support lots of people, most of which probably need it.


I remember a lot of talk from you about not obsessing over the material and how money didnā€™t matter and it was sooooo surprising to you that people would ever focus on that unimportant stuff.

But that was talking about taxing rich people, of course. Different tune when itā€™s money going to the needy. Funny, that!





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This is just a Trump fan whining about poors at this point.


This seems to get into it. 25.1 percent goes to ā€œsocial spendingā€ which includes:

Today a tightly woven web of state health, pension, accident, nursing care, and unemployment insurance protects citizens against the consequences of existential risks and threats. Moreover, the social network encompasses a basic income for pensioners and those permanently unable to work as well as fiscal benefits such as the family allowance system (child benefit, tax advantages). Following further increases in 2018 and 2019, families receive 204 euros monthly for the first and second child, 210 euros for the third, and 235 euros for additional children. Moreover, the Coalition Agreement also envisages anchoring childrenā€™s rights in the Basic Law.

Sounds nice to me. Wait until the minorities here find out about that freeloader system!

Absolutely amazing. You realize most people paid into that shit that receive benefits right? Arenā€™t you supposed to be good at math and shit?

If your math was close Iā€™d agree but itā€™s not. A lot of that shit you are crying about goes to protection for you if you end up in that situation. jfc

Are you with me here that a lot of people that receive that previously paid in? So, now what percent goes to the moochers vs. the people that actually are needing it and/or paid into it already? I mean, they lay out retirement shit for people that paid in for that percentage I quoted. You are distorting shit bigly.

Nope, I got it the first time. We all did.


No wonder Zara is susceptible to American right wing POVs lol


ā€œA large portion of my taxes help me in the long run! Donā€™t you see why Iā€™m bitching asshole!!!ā€

So you got so mad at your neighbor who is probably not all there mentally making one comment to you that you had an hours long meltdown online and want others to suffer because of this?

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This does clear up a lot.

One thing that was weird about your original description is that you seemed to suggest that despite being unemployed and on public assistance, she was somehow enjoying a higher standard of living than you are (e.g. ā€œspends 10x more on groceriesā€). Obviously thatā€™s not the case. Now it sounds like she just really sucks at shopping for groceries.

This is food stamp compalining 101. They bought steak! Buy poor people food!