On the senseless rehabilitation of past monsters we've called President

Of course, I suspect for most of these bootlickers, their takes weren’t or wouldn’t have been so different as it was happening

Narrator: Of course, Reagan did preside over a pandemic, did a worse job, and was recorded literally laughing at the dead and dying, and saying they deserved it


A large majority of people want to go back to the days of ignoring the atrocities committed by our country. Trump makes it hard to ignore because he’s always involved in a new scandal and tweeting racist things.


I like it when my president shakes his head and acts solemn before he commits a racist war crime. I bet the families getting bombed really feel that.


Erasing LGBTQ+ history (or just paying it lip service) is what democrats (and yes, even “progressives”) do best!

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What is the argument that Trump would have handled the AIDS epidemic better?

I would imagine that Trump would have talked a lot about how gay people need to be quarantined to keep them from transmitting AIDS to “normal” people, something he would believe could happen through casual contact. He’d probably call Ryan White a hoax. He would have tried to suppress C. Everett Koop’s report on the matter.

If Reagan were president right now, he probably would not do enough, but he also wouldn’t engage in the sort of counter-productive stuff that Trump does and would probably let federal health agencies function unimpeded. Reagan wouldn’t have cared enough to stake out some very wrong opinions in a very public way that he would then defend them in ways that would stymie organizations such as the CDC and NIH.

I can think of ways to handle AIDS worse than Reagan did. Can you say the same about Trump and COVID-19?

This feature is baked right into American culture. They’re even going to try it with Trump. His Presidency is going to be recast as s sometimes abrasive and controversial figure who made a genuine effort to connect with poor rural whites that were feeling left behind by a urbanizing and modernizing country.


I’m vomiting. I really hope you’re wrong. You don’t even need to call in the narrator, though, just give me a few minutes to make peace.

Narrator: He could never make peace.