On the Origins of Covid

yeah I know basically nothing about this but this seems like way, way more than enough to shut the door on the lab leak theory (of course it won’t slow down the cranks at all)

Ya but killing Steve doesn’t solve the problem if dozens of other farms are doing the same thing. The world is going to be calling for very expensive regulations on Chinese agribusiness.

China is still trying very hard to convince people that COVID came from frozen fish from elsewhere in Asia. There’s no way they’d be excited about hard proof that it actually came from China.


On the one hand, this. On the other hand though, a lot of people really want this to be the fault of the Chinese.

tbf, China doesn’t come out of this looking great no matter what the origin was. Scientists have been complaining about these open-air animal markets for a long time. And China certainly has been terrible about giving access to investigators.

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Wasn’t plastic created by accident?

Yeah, I mean no doubt, China (and many other countries) need to abandon these markets that have wildlife from all over the place in close quarters often getting slaughtered in horrifically unsanitary conditions. Animal husbandry in general has been responsible for an untold number of plagues, and we need to get away from it as a species. But blaming China for that versus blaming them (like the right wing derposphere does) for either cooking covid up in a lab, or negligently letting covid escape from a lab, has just never been supported by the evidence and has always smelled of sinophobia.

If bias has affected your thinking, the theory that it’s because they’re dirty savages who will eat anything is the sinophobic thoery, not the one that doesn’t trust the Chinese government.

Is there evidence that it came from a market as opposed to just encroaching on wildlife?

Saying a plague came from poor animal husbandry is supported by basically the entirety of human history, with lots of evidence to support this and other SARS outbreaks coming from poor animal husbandry, stop with the nonsense racism allegations.

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Also from simple proximity to wildlife, but you seem to want it to be a WET MARKET so badly. I wonder why basically the entirety of human history is not full of lab leaks.

And you might notice that your friend brought racism into it. I was just defending the people he was slandering who are not here.

Give me a break. The evidence is very clear here. Saying I want it one way here is dumb trolling. Have fun

microbet is no angel!

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No, because as I clearly posted, this is a problem with wildlife markets everywhere, and animal husband generally, not just in China. Perhaps you should try reading more closely:

There you go, I made it easier for you.

We’ll never do it, but we need to get away from animal husbandry and towards artificial meats and plant-based diets.

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You’re the one emphasizing it as a “wet market” whatever the fuck you think that connotation is supposed to trigger. It was a marketplace where humans and animals from all over the place were in close proximity to each other, and were likely being slaughtered in unsanitary conditions. That’s a problem that has absolutely jack shit to do with China specifically. We have plenty of those kinds of problems right here in the US.

Or to simplify it for you: Covid didn’t arise because Chinese people were eating bats, or because China was engineering this shit in a lab. People who argue for that (like you with regards to the lab theory) are espousing a racist theory on thin evidence, whether you’re doing it intentionally or not. Covid arose in a mundane fashion like every other mundane plague did, because of animal husbandry.

As someone who has family who have felt the effects of this increase in sinophobia because of the types of bullshit espoused in this thread, kindly **** off with this nonsense.

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Dude, you are the one who started with the sinophobia bullshit because you wanted to take a shot at keeed or jalfrezi or zikzak or whoever.

I feel like we should consider the possibility that maybe nobody is motivated by Sinophobia here.

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I could buy that, but lots of people here have pushed conspiracy garbage from people elsewhere motivated by racism.


Errr wut? I think you misread something, badly.

Definitely motivated by preexisting political grievances however!

Nobody here is motivated by some anti-Chinese racism or whatever. C’mon, you guys know each other better than that, let’s keep it civil.