On the Origins of Covid

meanwhile you and ikes are reflexively embracing whatever the establishment says, which honestly makes quite a bit of sense for you two.

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Again, nothing about gain of function in the abstract, which is my limit for what Iā€™m willing to do here.

What this means, in non-technical language, is that Dr. Shi set out to create novel coronaviruses

Is flat out bullshit, turns out stormfront is wrong, shocker I know.

lol all you are willing to do is control f ā€œgain of functionā€.

Again, you arenā€™t willing to do the barest minimum to educate yourself on this topic. Who cares what you think?

Awwww yes thatā€™s what it is. Having foundational experience with the science involved, actual experience with research with even more in parsing medical literature, and an intense interest it knowing everything about covid as it affected me in a way that I donā€™t think you can truly understand has nothing to do with it. Itā€™s blind establishment blowingā€¦ as you push theories from newsmax, Rand Paul, and stormfront level racist.

Yeah, when the establishment is like ā€œItā€™s not a giant conspiracy by the Chinese to cover-up a lab created virusā€ and the counterpoint to that is some race science motherfucker and Rand Fucking Paul, yeah, Iā€™m gonna reflexively believe the establishment on this one.

The guy who worked for the New York Times, Science, and Nature is a stormfront level racist? Jesus dude, what is wrong with you?

Can you imagine being some schmuck at Wuhan writing grant proposals because you predict bat SARS is going to be a huge problem and then years later getting your funding yanked because you were right and now some pube-haired doofus from Kentucky thinks youā€™re an evil wizard.


lol all you are willing to do is control f ā€œgain of functionā€.

You really think so? Can you point out what I missed?

Again, you arenā€™t willing to do the barest minimum to educate yourself on this topic. Who cares what you think?

Going to have to make the troll a little bit more subtle bud.

again, itā€™s all in the article weā€™re discussing that you refuse to read.

Quote the specific part then, because it was quoted here with links to the actual grants discussed and shocker turns out that person was wrong!

read it yourself.

In any case, if the Wuhan research Fauciā€™s group supported is technically gain of function research or not is completely irrelevant to the important questions here. And it almost certainly meets some of the definitions of gain of function research.

Yes, to quote you, read his work.

Man the best part here is that thereā€™s near zero percent chance youā€™ve read it, and youā€™re just here to troll. Solid work SK.

zero percent chance Iā€™ve read it? I did read it. Fuck off ikes.

? I understand you have no obligation to take the time to write an explanation but likeā€¦ you asked me to post evidence before you explain why itā€™s wrong. I did that, and you wrote no explanation.

The whole ā€œRand is arguing for it, so itā€™s probably wrongā€ is a useful lens to quickly filter out misinformation but like, there have been a hundred posts about this and none of it has gone beyond that. Iā€™m interested in this and would like to be able to explain why the stuff thatā€™s described, which sure sounds like manipulating SARS to be more infectious and then testing that infectiousness on human cultures and lab mice, is not actually that.

Did you understand it then? How come you canā€™t tell me what the gain of function part of it is?

SK you clearly donā€™t even know what gain of function is.

So why donā€™t you tell me what definition youā€™re using (lol), and tell me what part of the racistā€™s paper meets that criteria?

I did, that personā€™s description of the grants is wrong. Thatā€™s the description. Thereā€™s nothing else to it really. That person has an agenda to push, and heā€™s taking advantage of your ignorance about the science to push that agenda. Thatā€™s why precisely zero credible people have picked up on this nonsense.

Ok good talk.

Sure thing bud, itā€™s totally not because you donā€™t understand gain of function, basic science, basic research, didnā€™t actually read the article in question, etc. This discussion is frankly hilarious. You were so insulted by me thinking that you were supporting the lab created nonsense. Turns out all it took for you to jump on board was some random medium article from a guy who thinks that racial stereotypes are based in genetics.

What the fuck are you talking about? Insulted? I just said that created in a lab is included in lab accident but a lab accident does not necessarily imply that it was manipulated in a lab. Either are obviously possible given the work that the Wuhan lab was doing.

You do realize that youā€™ve been supporting a paper that is making the case for exactly this right? From whatā€™s been posted here, the paper is arguing that a sequence was inserted into the genome of covid and that the USA was funding research that could have done it!

I suppose that you might not have realized this, as you never read that drivel either. Maybe before calling people ignorant you could read what youā€™re arguing for.