On the Origins of Covid

Nah, this is the original thread.

We’ve could have a ‘I’ve been vaccinated thread’ as what 200m worldwide have been vaccinated now? Hardly news.

The people with more relevant education break decidedly one way, even if people posting a lot maybe break the other.


I’m not a strong proponent of this theory but to lock out sheer mention of it would be detrimental to any real thread covering covid from February 2020.

Thanks for poppin in Jmakin

I am 100% all about a separate thread for the “Origins of COVID-19” discussion. The reason this merits a separate thread is because it has taken over this thread and is not immediately relevant to current events related to variants, vaccinations, etc etc etc.

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We don’t need banning mentioning it. We need people to come back to reality instead of describing it as likely.

I’m very aware of my own ignorance on this topic and try to stick to the opinions of experts. Which is why I don’t really care about this discussion because it doesn’t MATTER. Millions of people are dead and before this is over there will be millions more. Who gives a star spangled fuck where it came from, whether an animal market or a lab, what are we gonna do about it? Like say it is actually CHINA VIRUS. No one can do anything about it anyway, and it’s not gonna change anything. China always gonna china, and I don’t mean that in an anti-chinese way. They’re the world superpower.


It’s of no immediate significance at all and there is so many other things.

The people advocating it stays just want to argue. It’s dumb.

If millions of people died because of a wet market virus crossover event then we probably need to improve safety there. If millions of people died because scientists went looking for bat viruses and it leaked out of a lab where those scientists were fucking around with the viruses that they found in the wild, then maybe we should improve safety there? Seems like pretty relevant information either way.

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Literally of no importance here on April 1st, 2021.

Is it something to ultimately be addressed? Sure. But is it of such current value it’s AIDSing up this thread? Absolutely not. Not even a little bit.

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I think it’s important if we wanna stop the next spillover but also I don’t want to further AIDS up the thread.

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We probably need to improve safety in food handling everywhere, anyway.

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I don’t want to come across as anti food safety, but considering just how much food is produced, processed, shipped, stored, and consumed isn’t the relative lack of food poisoning somewhat amazing?

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You’re not in the minority. At least I’m with you if you are. China virus origins speculation seems pretty gross to me and unbecoming of this forum. I’m legit shocked to see this kind of discussion here.

My point is that it is crazy to treat the pandemic as just a thing that happened, it just fell out of the sky. It is critically important we know why it happened so we can decrease the chances of it happening again.

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Why is it gross?

When you open up a thread on UP, and the same thread could be on chiefsplanet, it’s pretty gross.

Maybe he’ll send a sternly worded letter to the WHO.

Like it was US Conservatives and Australia who ordered the China investigation in the first place. Only place in the world calling it the China Virus? US.

I think you’re right, but anyone can make a new thread at any time. If they don’t, maybe, like Surf they don’t mind scrolling, or maybe they’d rather argue about it than make a new thread. If there were two threads, the derail discussion would probably either go over there or die off. Making a new thread for news as opposed to the other way around is just going to make this more dramatic. Excising isn’t particularly important - old posts don’t much matter. Doesn’t really need a mod to do anything. All imo.

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That’s not an answer. Who is being gross, and why?

This is true but its also true that many food safety issues are LOLbad. Remember the peanut butter thing a few years ago were there was obvious mold on the ceiling right above open tanks.

Kosher rules make a ton of sense in terms of food safety, especially in pre-refrigeration and proper cooking eras. Its amazing what simple stuff people understood (e.g. salt curing) without any understanding of the mechanisms.