On pretending to be functionally illiterate and other non-obvious toxic behaviors: A discussion

I will assume that MrWookie locked the other thread because the scope of the discussion had veered beyond the simple issue of Thread Throttles.

Likewise, I shouldn’t expect somebody else to go through the task of starting a new thread when I am the one who wishes to continue the discussion.

Likewise again, I don’t think it’s appropriate to just continue a discussion with 3-4 participants, so, I expanded the topic to be more general and inclusive, so anybody can discuss what they deem to be non-obvious toxic behaviors. If this thread itself seems to be that, I welcome the vigorous debate and the little fun accompanying such a thing.

Likewise for the nth time, if this thread is deemed as something more appropriate for the subforum, that can also be addressed.

This is the context for those interested, but it is not necessary to proceed:

The redacted part was what I’m assuming the post was flagged for, wherein I said that Aofrantic was potentially a Double Adult, a coin I just termed. Obviously it had nothing to do with his actual specific real hypothetical children and rather the concept of fatherhood making one a Double Adult.

I found this a worthy point to mention, considering there have been numerous posts recently about one or another side of this behaving adultlike or childlike. Is referencing being an adult or child a non-obvious toxic behavior or a necessary tool to further discussion? We shall find out.


This is unhinged dude.

I hope bitcoin moons and you get the happiness you need. Absolutely hilarious you go to MS paint and cross out the part where you cross the line. Absolute cowardice.




I disagree. Would you like to discuss it more?


When a post is flagged, the user has the option to delete the offensive part to unflag it. The entire point of flagging is because apparently people don’t want to see whatever was written. That’s how the system is designed.

However, when the thread is locked one no longer has the option to delete the part that, I’m assuming, got it flagged. Therefore, in the interest of the community I went through the trouble of MSPaint (actually, snipping tool, much more convenient) to redact the offensive part. The entire point is that other people, not I, don’t want to see that part.

Now, in the interest of this being topically appropriate for the thread, I have two questions:

  1. Did you not know how the flagging protocol works and, instead of learning how, decide to opine regardless, or, 1a, are you pretending to not know how the flagging protocol works?

  2. Do you find either of those behaviors to be non-obviously toxic?

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So does showing screen shots of six calling me stupid count as attacks too?

“I mentioned you should be ashamed to say that because you have kids but didn’t mean because you actually have kids.”

I do not understand your visceral anger at the moment. I wish you happiness but it seems you are so far from it that you are lashing out at people in ways I have never seen online because on 2p2, here in the past and every other forum I’ve been on such repeated attacks would be moderated.

When you are in a state that shows no anger towards myself, kerowo or others I’d love to chat. I will make you the first poster I’ve ever ignored on this site until that happens though, I don’t need this shit.


No, I literally opened this thread for you if you want to continue that discussion, or any tangential part related to it.

I feel like we’re both hired gun mercenary posters for each side but your heart’s not really in it, and you’re just going through the motions to pick up your paycheck. Which is fair.

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When the people acting like children literally never stop, yeah it’s a necessary tool.

Why are you feigning this intellectual dishonesty like you do not understand the problem.

When people always throw a tantrum when things do not go their way that is traditionally viewed as childish and immature behavior. This happens here like a Groundhog’s Day Zombie Apocalypse mash up.

You or anyone else can claim this isn’t happening to a point of great detriment or that it is not a problem but you and/or them would be wrong.

The childish behavior is not a one sided street limited to one subgroup of people either. I have seen it from all sorts. The inability to let go of anything or to back away without some big dramatic “look at me” intervention has plagued a number of people here. Personally I don’t have a naughty and nice list of who I can and can’t call out. Most of the people I have labeled childish are people I like. But that doesn’t make their behavior okay.

When adults constantly exhibit behavior that normally you only find in 2-4 year olds, trying to get on in the world, they are being childish.

To me it’s just another Trump supporter like bizarro world that I don’t understand. I don’t understand the complete lack of introspection and obliviousness to one’s own behavior.

I am far from perfect and don’t have it all figured out, but some people here are apparently way behind the curve.

If you want to label calling a spade a spade toxic, be my guest. I don’t care. I won’t turn over the table and throw a tantrum. You would still be wrong but it is what it is.

Finally the mea culpa to tantrum ratio here is way out of whack. People have bad days, they get heated. But as an ADULT we reflect on our behavior and understand we are not blameless. This almost never happens here. Instead people just double down and toss another redwood onto the bonfire.

I mentioned in another thread I have been posting online for forty years. I have been in too many online communities to remember. I have a hard time recalling one that has gone so sour. Perhaps the most contentious one was a non political forum with a cross section across the spectrum during 9/11 and when the war started. It was contentious but people still behaved streets ahead of what we are seeing here.

Today we had a call to fully remove a mechanism effectively used to cool people down when they can’t do it on their own. I like cassette, but the idea is not a good one. I would love for people to be able to pull away and disengage on their own. I have been preaching it for months. But people will not do it.

The only way for a site like this to have ultralight moderation is for people to police themselves. I don’t mean one another but each person has to accept responsibility for what they are doing and how they are behaving. It means if someone gets you heated you disengage you don’t light up the rockets. It means sometimes you have enough self control to stay away for a bit until you can reorientate yourself. But too many people here are not interested in any of that. They want what they want and how they want it and have no consideration for anyone else let alone the community as a whole.

If what I am saying is toxic then that’s that. But I have more experience than pretty much anyone here and I see what I see, and I don’t call people out lightly.


How many of your responses to me implied I didn’t know what you were talking about? How many of your responses in general include that vibe? If you honestly don’t see it you’re less self aware than I gave you credit for.