Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Someone sounds worried

We got him! We got the Sexy Farmer guy!!!

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I probably shouldn’t keep reading these; they don’t exactly fill me with optimism.

The House select committee on Jan. 6 is investigating both matters, separate from the Justice Department, and has aggressively pursued information about Trump and those closest to him. But FBI agents have not, for example, sought to interview or gather materials from some of Trump’s most loyal lieutenants about their strategy sessions at the Willard hotel on how to overturn the results of the 2020 election, according to participants in those meetings or their representatives.

Weird, but I bet they’re at least looking into what he was doing in Geor-

The department has not reached out to the Georgia secretary of state’s office about Trump urging its leader to “find” enough votes to reverse his defeat, a person familiar with the office said, even as a local district attorney investigates that matter.

Maybe they’re just wading through the massive amount of documents and everything “behind the scenes”

The Trump campaign has not received requests for documents or interviews from the FBI or Justice Department related to Jan. 6 or the effort to overturn the election results, and federal prosecutors have not sought to interview those with knowledge of Trump’s consideration of a plan to install an attorney general more amenable to his unfounded claims of massive voter fraud according to people familiar with the matter.

Maybe Merrick should provide some additional assurances that they aren’t looking away from all this.

A spokesman for Garland pointed to the recent speech, in which the attorney general said the department would “follow the facts” and “must speak through our work.”

Again, are they doing anything higher up than the Oath Keepers, like the top planners?

Former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik, who was among those at the Willard hotel “command center” where Trump allies plotted strategy to bring about a second Trump term, told The Washington Post he had “no DOJ contact.”

It’s down there somewhere, let me take another look

A Pence aide said the former vice president’s office had received no FBI or Justice Department outreach. At least 11 former campaign and White House aides — including seven who have been in touch with the Jan. 6 House committee — said they had received no inquiries from the Department of Justice.

Oh well, there’s got to be a reasonable, comforting “trust the process” ending here

That the Justice Department has yet to turn its attention directly to Trump and his close allies does not mean it never will, and analysts note that much could be happening in secret. Investigators could seek communication records of those at the Willard hotel from phone or email providers, for example, in such a way that those whose records are at issue never found out.

Lawbro brain is truly something. Yeah, it’s the great lawyer. Dumbass.

Only the best lawyers understand the “my client is a white man” technique. They only teach that at Yale.

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Also I love how they just pay back the cost of the window. In this country you get a $40 fee if your bank account goes negative for one day but Uncle Sam will float you an interest free loan when you destroy government property during a coup attempt.


Only if you’re a white person that complains to the manager.

More We Got Hims incoming!

I’m sure the courts will quickly reject their frivolous objections. No chance they delay until the GOP House disbands the committee.

The Dems are going to keep stringing this along until midterms. Their whole plan is to run on 1/6 Man Bad bullshit. They’re going to unveil their case against Trump, do absolutely nothing about it, and lose the House.

Also, I guess we got Guilfoyle’s texts now. They’re narrowing in on a suspect!

Well they have to be entertaining at least.

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I wonder if that $2,821 counted towards the BIF as infrastructure funds already allocated?

the best

is yet

to come

Bail not always good.

Now we got him.

Today’s speech will make the residents of MAGAnistan sit up, scratch their chins, and think “My goodness! We really did elect a lawless, unaccountable autocrat who cares nothing about constitutional order or the principles our Founding Fathers so scrupulously stood for.”

It’s also possible that no one will give a fuck what Pence says.


This is getting good!

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Also a story about the feds investigating some Jan 5 parking garage meeting involving the PBs, OKs, and other RWNJs.

I wonder if the SCOTUS will dump this on the shadow docket and let it fester until after the election like they did with the Alabama case because they “don’t want to interfere” with state elections

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His lawyer was on CNN this morning, complete with American Flag :us: tie, and basically kept saying the 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to Wheels McFascism because of the First Amendment sorry the moose out front should have told ya :man_shrugging:

Why haven’t they gotten Mo Green er Brooks with this too I wonder?