Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Literally the protagonists so far are Bill Barr, Ivanka Trump and Mike Pence lolololololol democrats


Straight up begging Merrick Garland to charge this asshole. Paging narrator.

Liz Cheney gonna put everyone to sleep before the unveil the good stuff

If they do it right I think some of the clips from the interviews can hit pretty hard

40 min in, anyone here got a single fucking clue what Trump specifically did/said that warrants criminal charges?

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turns it on expecting absolutely nothing

this is boring as all hell


patience, trolly san

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The only thing I’ve heard so far like that is Cheney bringing up the federal judge who wrote that Trump and Eastman “more likely than not” committed a crime trying to obstruct the certification, but that was already reported.

I wonder if they will directly address the MAGA claim that Pelosi called off 10K national guard or whatever

The damning evidence against Trump so far is:

• A tweet with Trump telling people to come to a rally.

• Trump not telling people to go home quickly enough.

わかりました, 先生

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take off your waaf glasses


The big reveal is: Trump loved 1/6 and did nothing to stop it? And did a bunch of blatantly criminal coup shit?

Uh, duh? No fucking shit?


i knew there had probably been 25th amendment convos but that’s still so frickin nuts. how many times has that happened? (outside of assassinations)

Jared just “whatevers” the repeated threats of the entire WH legal staff to resign

Think Cheney doing an excellent job. Behind every cynic is a disappointed idealist.


Think they have video of the capitol shitter?

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I think it was Riverman who was pointing out long ago how boozed/drugged up a lot of these people were and nobody ever reported about it. These guys are LOADED

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now they’re showing a video of trump who repeats the craziest shit someone told him

we know that

She’s doing fine. But it means nothing unless there are criminal charges. And that’s not going to happen. Trump is going to run again and probably win. It is another version of the Kavanaugh hearings. Powerful but meaningless.

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After Watergate, Nixon’s psychologist started a public discussion about requiring mental fitness tests for future presidents.