Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

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He beat her when they got back home. Guaranteed.


I read a take that the J6 committee is holding off on a criminal referral to wait and see if the DOJ will open a criminal investigation into Trump and his minions. That way, they don’t need to make a referral, which they fear will be viewed as partisan. And if it doesn’t look like the DOJ has any interest in opening such an investigation, then they will make a referral to pressure them to do so. Anyone buying this? I mean, it could make sense. Why make it look political when you might not have to?

Also, how important is it that it doesn’t look political? Does it matter and should it be a concern?

News flash: prosecuting a coup is inherently political. Get over it and do your fucking job.


It’s important to some people. It’s not important to me. Quite the opposite. I want them to appear political in a way that increases polarization.

it’s gonna look political no matter what. this is like the “if we nominate bernie they’re gonna call him a soshalist” line of thinking, they called joe biden the most radical leftist marxist commie pinko socialist the world has ever seen anyway.



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You forgot to add we got him

Future historians are going to be absolutely amazed at how much evidence Democrats failed to act on that was right out in the open that Republicans were actively trying to overthrow our democracy.


Imagine a world wherein Ron Klain voted illegally in a swing state and texted Ilhan Omar and Adam Schiff that they were driving a stake in the heart of the republic, then Republicans had control of all the levers of power.

There would be hearings in the House and Senate, and the DOJ would be throwing the book at him. They might even try to classify him as a terroristic enemy combatant and send him to Gitmo or something.


He’s not wrong.


So J6 committee will be conducting hearings starting in June, I hope they know what they are doing. I always remember that hearing years ago where everyone* knew Corey Lewandowski was not going to be cooperative, then began the hearing not being cooperative, and ol Jerry Nadler was left befuddled and at a loss because how could anyone disregard norms like that?

*everyone but Jerry Nadler and staff, and all those involved in running the hearing

Me too!!

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Man I don’t know if I’ve ever wanted to throw my tv out the window more than during those Nadler-led hearings.

Well, in your defense, you probably want to throw your TV out the window at least a couple of times a week. That’s a fuckton of contenders for that title. It would be hard for anyone to pick a winner in that spot.