Omicron, Boosters, and Asymptomatic Spread

JohnnyTruant makes this thread hard to read. Dude just stop. Maybe you are bored or something and constantly want to fight but it’s fucking annoying.


Would this argument happen if Jman said ‘Protection if/when you contract covid’ rather than ‘protection against covid’? Like the vaccine doesn’t do anything to prevent covid particles or whatever getting into your body right? It just makes things a lot less bad when the covid gets in you. I’m not a doctor if you couldn’t tell.


It doesn’t prevent the particles from entering but it does give your immune system a little “Do not allow” picture of the virus so that virus particles that do get in can be targeted and ripped apart before they have a chance to hijack your cells to reproduce.


They’re called opinions and they’re like arseholes - everyone has one but people here don’t want to hear anyone else’s.

And their opinions do nothing but contaminate the thread for weeks on end with no resolution. They talk past each other and it’s detrimental to the thread.

OK that’s one view that some people share, but “contaminate” is strong. Another is that if this forum isn’t for arguing over differences of opinion then what’s it for?

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But you still technically “got COVID” you just dealt with it very effectively.

Differences of opinion is one thing. When it veers into arguing over who said what when, and how one side is mischaracterizing what the other side said 3 weeks ago - literally no one cares except the half dozen or so same participants that are always involved. No one.

You could just take to DMs and have the exact same audience. The rest of us just have to scroll past and bite our tongues, lest we be the ones to get in trouble for being snarky or w/e. I may be in trouble now.


You said it better than I did. Thanks.

I just scroll past things that don’t interest me. Is it really that hard?

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Usually? No.

In this thread? Yes, it gets a little surreal when you see 200 new posts and almost all of them are the same six posters bickering about he said/he said stuff.


Not quite. There is some space between the virus being inside your nose etc, where it isn’t in your Body’s cells replicating as your immune system is trying to fuck it up before it actually get’s into your cells and starts replicating there.

I think gyc is right that the vaxx doesn’t produce a barrier to entry above and beyond the normal barriers. But it does prep the adaptive immune system once it’s all up in your junk.

I’d have to re-find some stuff from some of the med folks I’ve learned from, or have others that know more add to it. But I think that is sort of right. However there is a stage where you immune system is fighting it off before it takes hold and sometimes Covid wins that battle and then starts to replicate like crazy. I’m not sure on the semantics, but I don’t think if the immune system wins that early battle they would count as “had covid”

It’s against a mild case of the disease that didn’t require hospitalization. If you want to rail against people who are vaxxed and who never experienced any symptoms and never tested positive as insidious disease vectors, well, the number of these people is limited only by your imagination. Almost everyone else in the world just counts them as not having gotten sick.

Technically, Covid-19 disease is the disease caused by exposure to the SARS-COV-2 pathogen. (Co-Vi-d literally stands for “Coronavirus Disease”). Not everyone exposed to the SARS-COV-2 pathogen develops Covid-19 disease. You can be exposed ot the pathogen and fight it off before it ever gets to a point where you are either sick or transmitting virus.

I am going to respect @tilted’s request and not respond to this. Please dont’ take my failure to respond as me conceding to or agreeing with the way you are characterizing me or my posts.

In effect, yes, because asymptomatic (meaning never-symptomatic) people who never test positive are not and have never been counted as being either sick or spreaders for any disease, ever. Might we find some if we literally tested everyone every day? Maybe, but that’s a totally impractical experiment, and how the rate of such people compares with the false positive rate of the test is a sticky issue, too. Your personal standard of proof for saying vaccines are effective against the disease exceeds the standard that has ever been used for any vaccine ever.

easisest containment thread ever

What is your citation for this? How many never-symptomatic but positive people do we find, and how does that compare for vaxxed vs. unvaxxed?