Omicron, Boosters, and Asymptomatic Spread

I hope debates like this aren’t being extended in the hopes that people can be trolled into getting angry enough so the other side can score points with accusations of name calling.

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literally the only thing I can think of for why this has continued.

You don’t have shit.

What do you mean by this?



When in doubt, assume it’s a reference to the past.

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JTs citations are the new Nixon’s secret plan

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I think it’s quite unlikely, but I don’t agree or disagree because I haven’t seen any evidence one way or another. I’m not like you, I insist on having actual data before taking strident positions.

It’s also an extremely difficult question to examine that you’re stating as fact, and I’m interested in how you came to such a conclusion

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Can this become the official JT COVID containment thread so the other one can be readable again?


This is where we find out what happens when posters stop being polite kind and start getting real.

Usually when someone posts a bunch of bullshit and gets replies the person posting a bunch of bullshit is thought of as the problem

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[quote=“JohnnyTruant, post:211, topic:7197, full:true”] Also, what the fuck are you doing in here?

Does one really need an invite to go into a containment thread?

Does one really need an invite to go into a containment thread?

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Some of them, you assume, are good people?

we got a kinder, gentler Covid thread

All this bickering has genuinely confused me about JT’s view on vaccines mostly because he gets immediately replied to by someone else and then the rabbit hole starts. So is your view that vaccines aren’t effective in preventing transmission? Or depends on strain? Or are effective but numbers aren’t yet clear on whether its significant or not? I’m asking this in good faith if that isn’t clear.


JT called me a liar in a one word post, and I didn’t ask him to be kind. I only did when he started calling me and a couple others barking dogs. Nice try, though.

Guess that’s a no.

Yes, because I think it’s factual, and it’s not name-calling. This is specifically in reference to claims that vaccinated people who are contagious are equally as contagious for equally as long as unvaxxed. Or similarly, same thing. It’s not true, there have been studies, it’s been discussed ad nauseum on this forum, and you’re still pushing the false side.

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Either it’s your position or you’re spraying disingenuous takes out to troll the forum, which is it? Or has your position changed in the past six hours?

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I literally saw Johnny say the same thing without asking him to be kind that you cite as proof I’m not holding others to the same standard.