**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I still can’t find a way to tell my Chinese-American boss that it’s touch base, not “touch basis”. She even puts it in emails. No one wants to be the one to tell her.

If you mentioned it the first time she put it in writing that would have been fine but it’s been too long now.


I once had to tell the proprietor of a new restaurant in my neighborhood that people will be reluctant to order the “shrimp and crap soup” and I am glad I did.


Find a way to use it properly in emails that she reads.

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I would probably let it slide unless she starts talking about invading the accounting department and eradicating their bookkeepers.


I mean isn’t Argentina where a lot of Nazis escaped to after the war…


I’d think in general terms “dude” is used by a teenager to address a older man & alough it’s not commonly used by older women I would not have an issue with it.

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I just turned down an interesting job opportunity that made me fundamentally reconsider my views for my future career path. Not sure what to do about it so I’m dropping some thoughts here. This is going to be a TL/DR.

I’m currently in management consulting (I know, I know) focusing on helping government clients (Fed, State, Local, etc) manage their physical asset portfolios more efficiently. I’ll skip the boring explanation of this and just say that it can bring some interesting clients who have complex portfolios (i.e. more than just facilities/buildings) and, while I don’t love it 24/7, it’s a job I largely enjoy and have found success with. Unfortunately government consulting is largely DC-based and I’d like to GTFO so I’ve always got an eye out for other opportunities.

This opportunity involved managing the asset portfolio of an investment firm, specifically their multifamily housing portfolio. It had just about everything I’d be interested in in a non-consulting role–a senior role incorporating analytics and complex portfolio management. It was the realization that the end goal of a role like this, i.e. increasing returns for investors on this portfolio of assets, would actually mean making decisions about how much to raise rents on tenants across the portfolio. I went back and forth with this (“fuck no I’m not comfortable with this” vs “well, maybe if I was in that position I’d be able to do better than an asshole who gives no fucks and therefore it’s OK”) and came to the conclusion that I would never be comfortable doing that job.

Then came the realization that like 90% of the directions I thought my career might go if I left government consulting would likely result in similar conflicts between the responsibilities of my job and my moral beliefs/values. If it’s not a government client then the management of their asset portfolio is just about how to squeeze more profit from everyday people… so I’m basically becoming Inso. Cool. Maybe I’ll be over it in a few days but right now I’ve got no idea where to go from here.

Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.

TL/DR: hokie gets a job opportunity, turns it down, and now reconsiders his entire career


One word: plastics


Yeah that blows. My Dad pays like $400/month in an older building in KC since he’s been there 20 years. They’re renovating it piece by piece and he’s sure they’re looking for ways to evict tenants. Like they said they didn’t get his rent check, and tried to warn him (which they didn’t) and he only found out by accident he was a few days from eviction. WOAT people involved with that.

My first real programming job was for a statistical consulting firm hired by the tobacco and auto industry for lawsuits. I lasted about a year and a half and moved on. Never again.

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I thought we already clarified the the excavator/backhoe issue.

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Backhoe is an excavator arm on the back of a front end loader.



WTF kind of shitty filter reduces 7 exclamation points to 3?

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I paid off my car loan today. First thing I’ve ever owned debt free of any substance. Granted it’s a late 2000’s Honda Civic lol.



:+1: I loved this car, there great for small city journeys :sweat_smile:

Yup. I’ve put 30k miles on it over the last 5 years. Nothing but highway miles. It will probably last forever.


He says he’s changing back after a bit.

Hm this one went over my head.

Just be careful when putting your wallet on the dash while going round a corner, my friend lost his doing that in my car, we never ever did find it.


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This kind of came up briefly in the “Delete Facebook” thread a bit back. My take is that it’s up to each individual to decide for themselves how they want to contribute to the systems that in many cases are exploitative or create/sustain inequity.

I don’t really have any concrete suggestions to offer, but wanted to say that I respect and applaud your thoughtful consideration of the issue.


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