**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

The story falls apart when he claims Trump knows but was convinced not to say anything to anyone LOL


yes, it turns into which is more unbelievable part of the story, the secret mars base where humans and aliens are collaborating and donald trump chose not to say anything



Macy coming home early January. Iā€™m wracked with guilt because we arenā€™t adopting, but sheā€™s not from a breeder either. Some uhhh interesting friends of ours wanted their lab to ā€œhave the experience of giving birthā€ (wat) before they get her fixed.

Iā€™ve been working on my wife for years to get a dog and she finally cracked and I feel like this might be my only opportunity.


The Martians have the pee tape, obviously.


Good lord that thing is adorable


I have a rl reputation for being a VERY SERIOUS PERSON. People have no idea.

Responsible is ok. Just keep knocking people off balance.

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No guilt for having such a beautiful little puppy. Enjoy every bit of it!

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The puppy is quite cute too.


I want this to be real so bad but heā€™s selling a book

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RIP Chuck



dark winter. first Squiggy now this

Chuck Yeager died:


My pony travels at sub-Mach 1

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Yeah. In the wealthy neighborhood I live in it is clear that the cops are the servants of the residents. When we have block parties people have practically set up bars out in the street and itā€™s pretty clear the cops wouldnā€™t dare do anything. I know this is not the way the police treat people with open containers drinking in the street in all neighborhoods.

Hereā€™s a toastā€¦

Truly one of my heroes. I donā€™t say that often.

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward Iā€™ve climbed and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds -
and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of -
wheeled and soared and swung high in the sunlit silence.
Hovering there Iā€™ve chased the shouting wind along
and flung my eager craft through footless halls of air.

"Up, up the long delirious burning blue
Iā€™ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace,
where never lark, or even eagle, flew;
and, while with silent, lifting mind Iā€™ve trod
the high untrespassed sanctity of space,
put out my hand and touched the face of God."
ā€”John Gillespie Magee, Jr.

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This made me laugh so hard that my wife woke up and I showed her and she started laughing too.

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Itā€™s my go to feel good video!

Sheā€™s going to love the dog more than you by, like, day 3.


Sheā€™s already there