**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

CEOs have legal responsibilities and laws that they have to follow. It takes time to learn those and they are complex enough to not be instinctive.

The poker analogy is that some people within Full Tilt Poker thought that as FTP grew, that they should hire experienced, professional executives because the company was growing too large to be handled by people like Ray Bitar and Howard Lederer, who were deemed to be over their heads.

Ideally, we have people work their way up from local to state to national government. Now, we have people jumping straight to the White House without any political experience. Itā€™s not just about learning rules. Itā€™s about learning how things work from the inside.

Iā€™m very skeptical of what I see as a libertarian, DIY, self-sufficient ethos. I donā€™t believe that government is supposed to be this simple thing that any intelligent person is able to come in off the street and do.



I just assume fans of '80s-'90s metal bands lean the same way.

Metal musicians have rarely made natural lefties so itā€™s not surprising at all. ffs just look at the lyrics.

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This feels intuitively correct to me, but how does one account for AOC for example? Not all ā€œinexperiencedā€ people are Donnie Dumb Dumb.

It actually seems to me more relevant for a newcomer to believe that government can make the world better, rather than having somebody come in with 20 years of knowing how the sausage is made.

Ideally, there should be a mix of experienced legislators and new blood. Current conditions are not conducive to getting the right mix, but term limits are a massive over-reaction that donā€™t address the main problems with American politics.

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Well, well, well. Look whoā€™s back. POTUSā€™ first follow couldnā€™t stay away.

Pretty sure the third circle of hell is ā€˜being pretty sure you have diverticulitis but not wanting to go in to the ER you work at in case your wrong while your wife judgingly waits for you to admit you need to go inā€™


The lyrics are pretty anti-fascist, anti-war and generally left of center? Dave had a hit song about species extinction in the early 90ā€™s; he wasnā€™t super Republican in those days.

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Gen X, the should-be-silent generation


I love AOC, but sheā€™s also

(A) a bit of an extreme outlier in her own ways.

(B) not what I would necessarily consider inexperienced given her age at the time she ran. She studied relevant topics in college (Econ and International Relations). She interned for Ted Kennedy in college. Kennedy was a very experienced politician who was specifically known for having a robust policy shop staffed with people who had worked for him for a long time and knew their way around the system. She worked on the Bernie campaign in 2016. She did a bunch of on the ground organizing with non profits in New York. Yes, she happened to be a bartender when she ran, but she was clearly someone who had an interest in politics and had worked to build up some skills. She didnā€™t just wake up one day and decide to run.

(C) We have no idea what the future looks like for her. Maybe sheā€™ll run higher office. Maybe sheā€™ll get burnt out of electoral politics and go do something else with her life. Maybe sheā€™ll stay in a safe house seat for 30 years and eventually become an out of touch eDem. Who knows? But regardless, do you want her path to be influenced by a rule that would say that even if she wanted to stay in the job, and even if the people of her district wanted her to stay, she canā€™t?

I guess the counterpoint is whether Iā€™d be willing to trade say only 6 years of AOC for knowing that Iā€™d only have 6 years of Marjorie Taylor Greeneā€¦


God, shmod, I want my monkey man!


I keep telling people this centuryā€™s dominant field in terms of changing the way life works for humans is Biology. There is so much hiding directly behind a few different hard problems its insane. If any of them gets busted itā€™s going to be completely bonkersā€¦ and if none of them do itā€™ll still be the thing that changes our lives the most just off the back of mRNA vaccines.


This is very much what Iā€™m getting at. There are lots of types of experience that are immensely valuable for our political reps to have.




Funny. Edit: Musk himself offers a pretty good counter-argument imo:

ā€œHonestly, I think I would know if there were aliens,ā€

Supposedly the leaked video is shitty compared to stuff soon to be released. I canā€™t find my source for that atm but it was probably Trumpā€™s guy (John Ratcliffe). Thereā€™s a report due in June.

Apparently, theyā€™re not calling them UFOs anymore. Theyā€™re unidentified aerial phenomena, UAPs.

yes! increase the number of US representatives by a factor of 10x at least, prefereably 100x. And abolish the senate.

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Hope Corey Taylor isnā€™t deplorable. Saw him on the latest AVGN and heā€™s cool.

Itā€™d also likely mean that AVGN is deplorable and thatā€™d kill me :frowning:

If you wait too much longer, sheā€™ll threaten YOU with sticking you for an IV!

Feel better, diverticulitis is no fun

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Metal seems way more conservative naturally than leftist.