**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I thought for a fact that that tweet would get me atleast 10 brownie points, sad. :grin:


Probably meant in the political and inherent worth sense. As in deaf people can live just as good in modern society as hearing people, so it’s not a problem in a communitarian/political sense to solve for.

Basically, some deaf people perceive deaf culture as the same as any other cultural minority and want to preserve it. Even at the expense of integrating with the rest of us.



If he’s not reciting pi whilst doing so I ain’t interested.

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“Hey Johnny! It’s your brother, Marvin! Marvin Cage! You know that new sound you’ve been looking for? Well listen to this!”

hangs up

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CIA turned Bin Laden into Darth Maul to try and scare kids in Pakistan lol


that’s fucking good

Almost certainly ponied but sounds like Alabama lost their union vote against Amazon :(

Catholic Church playing the hits:


Last night I fell asleep with the stereo playing quietly. I was still half asleep this morning and there was a Van Morrison tune on that was interrupted by “…I can’t see my own butthole. I CAN’T EVEN SEE MY OWN BUTTHOLE WITHOUT MY EARS ON…” I guess this was CB interfering with the bluetooth signal somehow. Never happened before.

Eta that was just unfortunate timing to follow the priest story.

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For those that remember I had an insane flat earther boss and my company’s owner made a racist remark that got shared to the news and left us with a black eye.

I finally got a new job with better pay and less stress, and started a week ago. I never told them where I went, but they found out anyways. My old boss’s boss called my new boss last Thursday and vaguely threatened him for hiring me, and today my old boss just showed up at my office and was passive aggressive to my new boss and my coworkers. Really really glad to be gone from that company.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Music Theory for Prenatals and Beyond

omg sorry

I go where the posts go brother.

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targeting adults is an important improvement

I’ll throw up the @MattyLice bat signal. This is right in his wheelhouse, IIRC.

Central American travel is boring compared to your life story. Just write the biography.

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What state is this? If they try to get legal on you send me a pm. In the meantime, don’t use or take any info from the old company or login/access anything, unless it’s in your head.